
LOL! A console mechanic was added to the PC version (gross) and you can only do it once every 5 seconds. Yeah, that is the “most controversial change.” Not the reduction of random maps and dungeons into static maps. Not the MMO like game play with public quests and open world bosses and having to deal with other

Everyone buys assets even the AAA studios. Games are just too big to make everything from scratch every time. Everything from full animations, textures/materials, fonts, code/scripts/programs, 3d/2d art, if it is in a game it is for sale. Epic is just one place you can buy such assets from. There are a multitude of


Automated testing is a thing and it is very useful. It’s provided by a specialized QA/engineer. Kind of how a Tech-Artist is a specialization of an artist/engineer.

Writing a program to go to every screen in the game and press every combination of buttons possible to find the one that makes the game crash is

It’s still live. It always has been. Even the pre-made skits like this one are watched live by the audience.

huh, SNL is huh “live” - that’s what the “L” stands for in SNL

LOL, I will pay $2000 for the creator of this game to get in to a boxing ring with me. No? Didn’t think so.

yet wages have not gone up so what are you talking about

No! Making an exact copy of another piece of art is not copyright infringement! Not unless you literately trace it or other copying methods. If you copy it free hand that is call —- skill. And is HIGHLY sought after.

And not only that but it will not even replace artist. It still takes a trained artist to discern what is good wand what is not. Just like Digital canvases did not replace artist but make them more proliferate. AI art will not replace Artist only change there jobs.

Hell, Technical Artist is already a fucking job! And

They going to sue everyone who even looks at there art and gets inspired too?

Garvin has since moved on from Sony Bend Studio, and is now working on a game that has NTFs.


I would say that any X-Com reboot(done with care and passion as clearly Firaxis did) would have done well, sales wise, regardless. As anyone can tell you that game was all but dead with a robust mod scene and the original game(s) sold very well on GOG. This notion that the only games that sell well are mind-numbing

Unless it’s being made by/with Nick and Julian Gollop then it does not have anything to do with the “Actual X-COM Developers.”

That being said, yes, it is being made by Fraxis the company that did the re-boot.

No, three lefts make a right.

Gives a whole new meaning to “A White Christmas.”

Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that non-union employees generally get larger pay raises than union-represented groups.

huh, GW2 isn’t shutting down? The Apple/Mac version support discontinued and thus no longer avalible on that platform - but that was becaues of Apple deciding that OpenGL was not worth it anymore/removing it. Is not what NCSoft wanted to do at all but had no choice .

I took it as meaning that they sell for a good price. As in, this is a good product to sell because it both sells and has a high margin.

“It’s the cost of having something people what and (being worth a lot of money) ...”

Man, after 15min of talking to myself in a mirror, and rolling dice to try an succeed at ... talking to myself (?), I gave up trying to play this game I just could not do it. This article explains why.