
How? It looks as boring as hell!

What’s a CUPT?

What a boring game.


No, it has Taxes. No Libertarian would be caught dead paying taxes.

Besides, duping items is more Anarchy than anything.

Everyone keeps saying “This game has/had potential!” Let me tell you EVERYTHING HAS POTENTIAL! So, flipping, what!? Could it live up to it? Maybe! Is everyone who bought the game going to spend another $50 to see that happen? Hell no!

My fault, I wrote “this works both ways” and that not exactly what I meant. What I describe after writing that is overwhelming the “system” by filing perfectly normal and legal TM with the word Doom in it. If Zendimax wanted to challenge them all, and if it takes two years as alluded to in the article, if you file

See everyone says this but you know it can work both ways. People just need to start trade marking all kinds of names with Doom in it. Let ID Software “use there giant wallet” all they want. If each case takes 2 years in court then 100 US Trade Marks with the word Doom in them will take 200 years. Good luck.

Here are

Amazon is just propagandizing everyone to be against Taxes.

Microsoft began working on the improvements that have led to the vastly superior Xbox shopfront and multiplayer integration we enjoy today.

No one does.

Don’t forget, Mother Teresa was an absolute Terror to both the kids she “rescued” and to the Nun’s who worked with/for her. She was no saint and her particular religious doctrine would horrify any physiological medical professional when it comes to the care of children.

It gets even more ridiculous when you learn about this! (Yes, it works.)

As a QA specialist and can confirm that there is a huge difference between 20 QA testers and 100,000 players. No mater the QA methodology used players will find shit you never thought of even trying and if you did think of it there is no way to test thousands of people doing it at the same time. When it comes time for

Am I the only person who looked at this game and thought it looked stupid AF?

The more I actually learn about the game the more it doesn’t sound good at all.

Made by Amazon? Nope.
PvP? Double Nope.
WTF Colonizing Alt-History? WTF are we TRYING to make more alt-right cry-baby man-children?

Seriously, there are a lot of

For the few of you unconvinced that esports are real sports, take this incredibly grim situation as your sign that yes, esports are just regular sports now.

While I agree that “American legal system is famous for frivolous law suits” it is, however, a myth. Law suits are down, way down, over the last 40 years. People sue way less than they should, actually. There was a concerted effort, a conspiracy, (and yes I’m using that term correctly here) by corporations to implant

I don’t know when this was compiled but the data for Austin TX is flat out wrong. Less than $1000 a month for rent? NOPE!

Remember when you could walk into a store on a console launch day and buy the console?

Hey now, no reason to threaten the BTW boy band.