
You are stupid. Ranch on Tomato Sauce is good. It’s good on Spaghetti it’s good on Lasagna it’s good on Pizza.

People on the internet freaking out about something? Really? No way! Seriously “a bunch of people on the internet” wouldn’t know how to wipe there own assholes without a ticktock montage. So, not a good

People who turn there computers off are nutz.

Can’t tell if this would work with Google Fi

Can’t tell if this would work with Google Fi

Yes you absolute blowhard wannabe middle-of-the-road whataboutisum walking strawman. The fucknut should have to work flipping burgers the rest of his life for participating in the fucking trump administration attempted fascist take over of the government. Fuck off with the cancel culture bullshit. There is NO SUCH

K, i have athletes foot so ill just rub that all over your floors for you.

It’s a dumb tradition and has no bearing on anything to do with cleanliness. In fact it might be dangerous. Need to run out of the house fast? Oh wait let me stop and put on my shoes.

If people ask me to take off my shoes I always tell them i have athletes foot and i dont wear socks ... should i go ahead and take them

Japaneses getting offended by someone else not doing the same things they do? Gasp, that certainly never happens!

I have said it once and I will say it again. $200 million dollars equals 3333 60k a year jobs. Bobby doesn’t need ALL of it.

It could pay 3333 60k jobs for one year
It could pay 1666 60k jobs for two years
It could pay 833 60k jobs for three years

I work at a smaller less well funded studio than CIG. Not only was my co-workers, and studio owner, more worried about me and other employees than themselves when we finally got back to work they told us that they would still pay us for the week and it wouldn’t cost us any PTO. Really glad that CIG turned me down

Origins is the only good one. Play that one. After that it is just Fantasy Mass Effect and Mass Effect does it better so just go play that. Mass Age: Dragon Effect

I mean. She was right though. He wasn’t helping her and was in fact harming her ability to get her kids back.


wow, boring

Wait? Are you saying that giving money to people on the INTERNET is not a good idea!?

DA:O is the only good one. After that it became Dragon Mass: Age Effect.

Wait wait wait, wait, wait. The Branding on this thing is a MISSILE? Wow.

Also, who uses WiFi in a DESKTOP gaming machine?

Wait wait wait, wait, wait. The Branding on this thing is a MISSILE? Wow.

Also, who uses WiFi in a DESKTOP gaming

It’s not a job.


What’s the mater? Don’t like being shotgun blasted in the face with every bit of info the website has to offer?

Make no mistake the take over was the same thing venture-capitalist do to all companies. Take it over, saddle it with debt, pay themselves massive bonus with debt money, force the company to pay off the debt which they can’t because it was always impossible. They rape and pillage then move on to the next company. All