
All the people saying that the Witcher 2 and 3 are the better games are wrong.

“Americans Sue A Lot!” is one of the greatest myths foisted upon the public after the “Coffee is too hot and got burned” Lady.

The truth is that lawsuits were tracking right along with other developed nations at about the same rates before Coffee Lady. But since the “Coffee Lady Lawsuit” (she won) lawsuits have been

Other cool things that happened when this game came out!

It takes all of absolutely nothing to save the game manually. FFS

Dragon Age was great. Then they ruined it by turning it into “Mass Age: Dragon Effect.”


At lest it pushed other devs to make the likes of Pillars of Eternity and Divinity Original Sin.



He actually sounds like he is on the Autism Spectrum.

An NDA really only gets you fired if you break it. Probably wont get another job in the industry either. As a QA Tester with over 8 years in the industry breaking NDAs on purpose tells me only one thing; Your QA Staff hate there jobs and it’s not a very good place to work. Suing them isn’t going to get epic anything.

except for the girl

I thought it was a prerequisite?

The problem I have with comparing game subscriptions to other media subscriptions is the time needed to consume the content.

So, if you do a price compare to cost per hour then by far game subscriptions are giving you way more bang for your buck. You get a lot more hours of content and entertainment than, say,

In one she is a white girl playing an Asian character. In the other she is a white girl playing a character of African decent. So there both racist right?

yeaaah, sigh

Hey everyone! I found the trump voter!

When do the aliens arrive? They uplift and genetically interbreed with Bigfoot, turn them into slaves, and then abandon them when they leave? You know, the true history of humans.

UHHhh the dev was defending something that cost $170 dollars for a single skin. A cosmetic item. $170 bucks man. No game is worth $170 bucks let alone a single digital item in it. So while your comment is pretty spot on it is WAY out of context. Which is typical.

FFS: Do vegetarians really have a problem with a cooking game that has meat in it? And if so WHY? Has the definition of vegetarian been expanded to include the exclusion of meat from everything and not just food? Do you install addons to your web browsers that changes/blocks anything to do with meat? I submit that

OMG! We need to start a letter writing campaign to the W.H./Trump! We should flood that damn thing with hand written letters!

lol bullshit. You can’t even remember when power rangers was on air. Hint, it wasn’t in the 80's. So, I doubt you can even remember the events you are talking about correctly. There was never any epidemic of kids fighting because of a TV show. Get off the internet.

When I use this card I talk in my native made up language of Jibidiyjaber. If my opponent complains I just tell them “Aeos ghiwp! lslwzow2 heo 302$%&.”