
Did they differentiate between real sugar and shit-ass corn syrup?

The only injustice here is someone getting arrested for cheating on the ACT and SAT. WTF?! Do we really need to arrest and spend money on prosecuting this?

I wish it was more realtime, or pause-to-redirect.

Animation Rendering is usually handled by a 3rd Party at a rendering farm.

$28.6m divided by $60k is 476 and a half jobs. Just saying.

How about GOP.

Yet another dating app that requires FB. Stop using FB!


$0. I do not make enough money to qualify for any kind of discounts. I am too poor for help. So instead of buying insurance I decided that paying my rent and eating food was more important. Go USA! BTW I own over 15k in $ to ER visits. Fuck them I will never pay it.

sacred burial ground

You are an idiot and you do not deserve an explanation that could have taken you all of five minutes to google to find out why they are not the only ones responsible. In short “Go Fuck Yourself.”

You are free to spend your money on whatever you like.

You are not free of the consequences of doing so.

Seriously, wtf! OK, no, fuck! Why, why. I just can’t anymore. Please, someone, can we, i dont know, i just, . . . why. Why are we all garbage? Fucking bring on the end of the world already.

This not pretend that the companies that have abused loot box mechanics didn’t bring this on themselves. There is a line and they have been either skirting it or out right going over it for a long time. I am sure some bean counter, or exec, has done the calculations, got there bonuses, and are now on there way out the


They were wrong because the election was hacked.

The last free election was in 2012.

Is this a new Simon Pegg movie?
