
If that is true then it’s something new that just happened on this site. And if it is on purpose then its pretty scummy. I disable ad’s not because I want to prevent revenue. I do it to prevent Data Collection and Tracking. If advertisers and websites stop collecting data and tracking then I will turn ad’s back on.

Even if a different browser would fix the issue that’s not something I should have to do. Besides Firefox is the only browser anyone should use. They don’t collect insane amounts data on you and anything they do collect is only as much, and exactly as much, as they need with the least amount of identifiable info and

I have asked this question many times in the recent week. Before that It was fine.

So, why didn’t someone buy them a cup of coffee? I mean I get it. You don’t want to get involved with something like this. Its distressing compared to your normal existence. But seriously, you had the presence of mind to both record it and ask the question. Now, its time to also act!

Why do all the reviews say this is a scam?

Why do all the reviews say this is a scam?

“Reviews have knocked Sea of Thieves, the big new multiplayer pirate video game for Windows and Xbox, for its lack of content, for repetitive quest structure, and for generally feeling sort of hollow and unfinished”

Ultra HD. 4K UHD (2160p) has a resolution of 3840 pixels × 2160 lines (8.3 megapixels, aspect ratio 16:9) and is one of the two resolutions of ultra high definition television targeted towards consumer televisions

Ultra HD. 4K UHD (2160p) has a resolution of 3840 pixels × 2160 lines (8.3 megapixels, aspect ratio 16:9) and is

LOL, I just replaced everything you said with the preface of “The Corporation I worked for did” and or “The Corporation” instead of union and it worked vis-a-vis. So yeah. Sucks when someone fights fire with fire huh?

WTH is wrong with the formatting on this post?

Actually it was %0.9.

All it takes is one good guy with a gun - in the oval office.

fuck, this is how innovation dies, one twitch stream at a time

Oh-ugh *facepalm*

The entire games ‘systems’ do not support the game at all. They are not required to play the game. Nothing the game has for you to do has any relationship to the actual game.

Eat food? So what, it’s effect on battle is so small that it is not worth the procedural to use them.

Battles? Yeah, there is a

How the fuck does a device with NO DISPLAY give you 4k definition?

Apple is full of such shit. “Just slap 4k on it people will buy it.”

Here is a hint, the only thing that can be “4k” is a DISPLAY of some kind, a TV, a monitor, etc.

How the fuck does a device with NO DISPLAY give you 4k definition?

Apple is full of such shit. “Just slap 4k on it

What kind of name is Kar-k?

When smoking a bong from a 5th floor hotel room kills and maims innocent people on the ground outside THEN we can talk about taking down YouTube videos of how to smoke bongs.

Until then go suck start your guns, losers. Sad.

Seems like an opportunity to join, and then like not do your job for 50k+ a year. Seriously, join up and just be like “I didn’t see anything” then go home. $$$

It doesn’t mater as long as you don’t put fucking lettuce on it. If you put lettuce on a hotdog it’s not a hotdog but a cry for help.

And there it is. The lie and propaganda of the corporations “Unions are bad! Unions make you less money! They get in your way of a better future!”

Unions by and far have only improved working conditions, salary’s, and a whole host of other benefits you enjoy to this day because of them. You may not be a part of a