That’s classified. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.
That’s classified. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.
This is GOP Tax Plan Section 9-c.
Needs a second sticker now.
In other news Water is Wet. Every nerd, non-jock, loser on this planet can tell you they are better lovers than any shit-headed-meat-ball. But, you know what I’m not even mad. I have other shit to do with my life than convince you that making love to me would be a good idea. Good luck with your fire hydrants.
Sssshaaw? Oh? What?!
That’s it. I’m uninstalling the internet.
The Internet.
Except you are completely wrong. It hasn’t changed. Only what NRA and GunNutz think it says and there very successful PR campaign to make people think it means something it does not. When it was written it was focused on militias and a militia was at the time every man, white man that is, and the right as it was…
The main thing to keep in mind is the Second Amendment was added primarily as a means of having the United States maintain a military without actually maintaining a true military; the idea was that every citizen would, in effect, be part of the military.
Why does every article on this issue not discuss the science behind it? Why not show what methodology behind loot-boxes is used and why it is exploitative?
at any given moment you visit the Steam store’s front page, there’s a strong chance you’ll get an eyeful of exposed skin from some lewd adventure or action game’s listing.
Nope, still fall into the “hole” of tax credit and medicare. Another year another exemption and no healthcare.
fixed it for you
What does Pasta have to do with Ghost Stories?
Documentary/Survival Guide.
I saw myself wearing the knee and elbow pads I’d bought for rollerblading, a standard medical issue neck brace, and some wrist guards for extra modesty points. (Look at me, I’m even covering my wrists!) Other than that, I was completely naked.
The creator of Wolfenstein 3d has the perfect counterpoint to this discussion of “Should We Punch Nazi?” He created a new version of the, old, game where in as you click to shoot the Nazi and pop up window appears. “Should we shoot Nazi?” Yes/No
No, they could be stopped. It would require violence, but they could be stopped.
Not if some hero helps them catch a bullet first.