
The human race will be extinct before any GT3 is $30,000.

North Korea is not a Patron of Beijing, it’s a client.

Maybe Mark Hamill reveals that Luke Skywalker is actually the joker, but doing the whole movie in that voice!

I’m not even going to bother to read this word vomit. If it ain’t against the rules, it’s in the rules. PERIOD.

The salesman was almost certainly going to be sent back to Oman, due to lack of sales (he couldn’t even get a meeting!). That the Jinn wants to go back home is highly implied by the way the Jinn misses where he used to live. Not everything needs to be spelled out.

You are very welcome. Keep enjoying the show! I have been pleased as punch; I would have thought this was un-filmable.

The book is one of my favorite pieces of contemporary literature. The scene in the show was confusing, for sure. I had this same conversation via text with friends, last night. :)

He doesn’t become the Jinn; the Jinn stole his life to go back to the middle east, and the salesman is left with the taxi driver identity, which the Jinn had stolen before. Since Americans are super racist, nobody is going to notice the difference, so he can just drop right in (though I bet the first couple hundred

American Gods is one of my favorite pieces of contemporary fiction. I would have considered it unfilmable, before seeing the show. I don’t think we could ask for a better adaptation.

In other places they would be advertising that it doesn’t have horse meat in it (when it probably does), so it’s kind of a wash.

Lube job.

I got divorced last summer, and I was kinda sad about not having a “normal” Thanksgiving, in 2016. Then I thought about it, and realized that the divorce was a positive if it meant that I didn’t have to sit there and listen to evangelicals (my ex-wife’s family) convince themselves that they voted for the right

He was paid 7 figures with a paper check? Weird.

Who says there aren’t? How could you tell if an Australian were concussed?

I am a highly skilled and practiced knife sharpener, and owner of many hand-made Japanese knives (think Shigefusa, not Shun). The only time I’ve been injured while tackling an avocado is when my knife went through the nut, into my thumb. It required four stitches, and my thumb was numb for a year. That is all.

I’m going to make it real, real simple, and quote a T-800: fuck you, asshole.

They did a field test? It was probably powdered milk.

Cincinnati actually has some pretty good sushi places.

Because that’s how anything works.

That wasn’t quite the same team as this year, you may have noticed.