
288 GTO. That car was insanity when it came out, maybe in a way that no car before it had been, since the 300SL. Something tells me the 5 sec 0-60 was underrated (or at least undertired, in 1984).

No: this was good.

Yeah, but it’s all crap.

Yeah, but it’s all crap.

Yes. I’ve done it.

My “bullshit anecdotes,” which aren’t bullshit, given that they happened to me (common enough experiences when you live in bad neighborhoods, which I used to do, ands are dumb enough to be out late at night; you’d think I’d have learned after the first one) support my “chosen side of the issue” because “my chosen side

I’ve had a gun stuck in my face on two separate occasions. In neither situation would my having been armed have helped anything.

That’s pronounced “ennui.”

We don’t know how hard Nicole Kidman claps.

The Mohs scale is not linear, it is logarithmic. 10 is MUCH harder than 9, on the order of about three times. Diamonds can be damaged by a percussive impact, too, as they are quite fragile to cleaving, and cleave almost perfectly.

You’re braggarts, at least. Yay?

Because they look like mites. Nanite is also trademarked. And while it’s merely trademarked as the name of a gaming studio, it’s likely not worth the potential downside, not when you can come up with a more original name that seems to fit the character models pretty well.

You should cut your hamburgers into fourths. If you are gonna ruin it, might as well go all the way.

My 2011 DSG GTI has been totally reliable, other than it sometimes forgetting that my iPod is plugged in. I figured out how to drive the car pretty quickly, and I strictly follow the service intervals, so I haven’t had any of the supposed DSG issues. Is it slightly jerkier around town than a manual? Well, not with

Fewer than 30 screens, not less than 30 screens. 30 is a discrete amount, thus it’s fewer than.

“How dare.”

I cheered and cheered, when I saw those Galaxy-class ship sweep through the frame, just blowing the living shit out of the Galor-class. It would have been on a 13" CRT, so I surely experienced it in its full glory!

my 2011 GTI does that. It’s weird. Sometimes it also forgets that there is an iPod attached, and about 5 minutes into my drive, NPR or whatever is interrupted by the first song, alphabetically, which happens to be “A-Punk” by Vampire Weekend, when it remembers the iPod. I used to like that song.

Sad! Bigly! Go back to Breitbart!

Your dad is Hitler? I’m sorry.