
There’s no such thing as a perfect candidate. You vote for the best. People should’ve learned this with Obama, who has not been a perfect president, but has probably been the best we’ve had for some time.

Revisionist history at its finest. There was no dependence on exhausting diplomatic options, the resolutions language “supported” and “encouraged” diplomatic efforts but gave Bush the authority to use the military as he sees fit in order to defend national security. In short yea voters gave Bush the authority to do as

I’m not risking anything. I’m voting for the Democratic nominee no matter who it is,so calm down. I don’t think she’ll be a good president if she wins the nominee but I think the GOP choices are WORSE.

my mind was one hundred percent made up the moment i learned that the Clinton Foundation received donations from the Saudi Arabia royal family in exchange for the ability to purchase American military weapons. http://www.ibtimes.com/clinton-founda…

Dude or dudette:

Libya is one of multiple examples which challenge whether she has learned from her Iraq War vote. And when we say #WhichHillary, we mean is it the Hillary who defends her leadership in Libya, or the one who blames Obama, after he expresses his own profound regrets on the action taken there.

Can you be specific? Sanders outlines the existing intelligence reports as well as making both a tactical and moral positive case for a precipitous invasion. Virtually all of the concerns he predicted materialized:

Now playing

Certainly, the manner in which she disavows her vote and her subsequent foreign policy stances are also relevant. Clinton’s bellicose AIPAC rhetoric, calling “the Iranians” her “enemy,” are ominous, and her interventionism in Libya and Central America demonstrate that she hasn’t learned from her profound lapse in

If you haven't heard a word from a Bernie supporter about his stance on guns, hear one now. I think it's horrible and tragic and shameful. There's no way at all to justify his position. It's shameful. I have no idea what he was thinking, and it makes me both furious and disgusted. All of that, when weighed against

Exactly. Judith Miller is still a shit reporter and Christopher Hitchens continued to be the bloviating ball of hot air until he died.

I dare say that some of them have put out even better work than some of the people who continue to flog them for a mistake they’ve already acknowledged and in many cases

Thats your opinion and I respect that. I think you’re wrong but that’s another story that I’m sure you’re not interested in.

I think that as a congressperson one of your most important jobs is to vote on whether or not to invade/ war with other countries. If you fuck that up, I’m not sure what sort of nuance I’m supposed to allow for here. I personally refuse to vote for any politician who voted to invade as others might for politicians

I think your paragraph about journalists is irrelevant without hard data. How many of these guys became better, how many became worse, how many stayed shit? Why does this rubric matter at all when they’re just journalist aka people completely unaccountable for the shit they say.

Clinton’s Iraq vote isn’t a purity test, it’s a devastating lapse in judgement.

Its zealotry to decide that people who voted for an illegal war shouldn’t be elected to office again a few years later?

This is exactly why I’m not voting for Hillary. She has been under investigation more than once by the feds and has had business partners spend time in jail for fraud that her company committed. Further, she seems to have no problem exploiting every tax loophole possible, so as to avoid paying her fair share. She does

Nixon was such a great example of a horribly corrupted...moderate. That is how far the country, the voters themselves, have drifted conservative over the Reagan years, that Nixon (Nixon! Universally despised Nixon! I was too young to vote against Nixon, would not have voted for him) is now clearly a moderate. Nixon

I’ve set my course and I’ll make my peace with it, but at best, it will be an uneasy peace.

“democrats are guaranteed to win” check your stats. Dems do not have a ‘guaranteed’ win and people need to wake up and stop thinking that. Its exactly the kind of thinking that will lose the Dems the win.