
I love you.

Ha! awesome.

"Rumor has it that there's even a blood bank on board, and some say that despite being a GM product it's not actually American at all, but was built in Kenya."

I also remember getting headaches from that thing. Man, I couldn't look at it for more than like 2 minutes. lol. Good times.


Gah! Beat me to it!


Tiff was actually on old Top Gear. He's now a host on Fifth Gear. Which BTW is coming to Velocity. lol. Final Gear is the website where you can go to acquire episodes from both series as well as other Top Gear from other countries.


I know! same here! grrrrr... I'll just heartclick you lol

This is awesome! I think I found a reason to buy an iPhone lol

This thread needs more James May.

Good call!

LAWL! That was awesome!

400BHP or GTFO

GAH!!! beat me to it! LOL

Exactly. Granted, I'd probably take a vehicle better suited to that environment, but as far a supercars go, the 458 would be decent option.

hmmmmmm... In this scenario, I'd choose the 458. Nothing against the Ford GT but given the area and location, I'd want to be as lest obtrusive as possible. The Ford is too wide and impractical for the narrow roads of South America. The 458 is more nimble and easier to live with, not to mention more economical. I'd

And armed with a Stinger and Trophy System, down it goes :P lol.