Like a bau5
Like a bau5
MAN! Ripping Emotive apart! LMAO this is awesome. Maybe he/she/it/ is trolling us. Regardless, you bring some of the most ignorant shit to the internet. Regardless of preference, there should be a certain manner of speaking when comparing and contrasting two different consoles. I personally am a PS3 guy all the way,…
@Stratity, It was the first thing that came to my mind.
I was thinking the same thing. Looks awesome!
He's not the Stig, but he is the Stig's hipster Apple-loving cousin.
LMAO that was funny
I personally like em, well... for me the Gallardo is my least favorite one. I still think the Aventador, Reventon and the Murcielago ( especially the LP670-4 SV) are the awesome looking ones. I wish they somehow made a great looking tribute to the Miura, similar how the Vizualtech Growler is a tribute to the E-Type…
One of my favorite episodes!
Sweet! Thanks so much. Heartclick!!! and +9001 internets for you.
That's awesome. Needs more wallpaper! I'd love to have this one blown up in HD. Do you by any chance have high quality version that we can use as a wallpaper?
As do I. These guys know how to tell a story and they do it well. Incredible stuff! I wonder if this is a new engine or if its just a polished up version of what was used on Heavy Rain. I wish more games could tell a great story and not just use guns blow stuff up. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, but I would like…
You're right, no real reason to get one now. Even though my gaming library is pathetic (4 games) Hopefully there will more added to it. With that said, please enjoy again Kara. And a heartclick! LOL
That last sentence made me LOL. +5 Internets for you today.
Lucky you. I'm still debating whether or not I should get an Xbox 360, but given that almost everything is multiplatform, I don't really see a reason to. I'm not a hardcore gamer by any means. Although I'm pretty good at CoD LOL. And lately E3 just isn't what it used to be. IDK It could be the games. Although there…
LMFAO!!! Well played!