
LITERALLY the best GIF I've have ever seen

HA! I see what you did there

Even to this day, Gundam Wing remains one my favorite Gundam series, if not my favorite. Deathscythe Hell, Wing Zero and Epyon FTMFW!!!!!!!!!!!


I smell a Lego QOTD LOL

indeed it was LOL. I just watched it again.

hmmmm interesting. Just got learned! And knowing is 1/3 the battle, G.I. Fundaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Actually, The R8 V10 is not the same as teh Gallardo's. They are just similar. Also the engines have advanced so far from what the Ur-Quattro it can't be considered a derivative. At least I don't believe so :)


I'll...fourth that?

I think BFF-150 is talking about Senna OFF the track

Now playing

I nominate Bruno, not necessarily on track but for what he did when he wasn't racing. The man had a big heart.

Somehow reminds me of this

CP all the way! The only Ford I'd even consider paying that much money for is a Ford GT, regardless of practicality. Don't get me wrong, it looks badass but I wouldn't go for it, when you can get more car for that kind of money elsewhere.

I was just about to say the same thing. I personally don't see anything wrong with their site compared to others

I LOL'd. I unfortunately don't know how to ride a motorcycle. Wouldn't mind learning though.

Stig is my hero! Honestly one of the best ideas to come out of Top Gear.