
Interesting, I didn’t know I could disagree so thoroughly with a single person! I’ve played every main Final Fantasy from 1 through 15 (excepting 13, could not make myself like it) and this is without a doubt my second favorite. I view it as a towering achievement and a game that confidently rises above its flaws (and

I’m not saying it’s unreasonable and this isn’t a criticism of the airlines. In fact, if anything, I defend them because they’re not as profitable as people assume. This is simply a deeper look at who ends up paying for discount fares.

You can think of it like that, or you can think of it as being priced well for both a home console and portable one. 2.5 hours + USB charging, and I can take it on the plane? And it’s one system? It not only just sealed the Vita’s future but any other competition

While I can understand the connotative implication of the first sentence as related to the second paragraph, it’s important to remember that paragraphs contain distinct ideas; if I wanted to denotatively say, “Hey, we don’t have this in America,” I’d have kept the first sentence and the second paragraph together.


Eh. I’m going to be a little edgy myself and say that I never really cared for VII (I’m sort of an “old” as far as the franchise goes; purchased the first one in 1990, and never really looked back), so however the remake turns out, I hope others love it as much as they expect to—I likely won’t be playing it.

That said,

Hint: words have multiple definitions. Now you’re really embarrassing yourself. I’m well aware of the meanings, you clearly are not.

The problem I have with this argument is that its implicit assertion is that, “It’s not really that bad, because Nintendo’s security sucks. If the pirates had to work harder, then it would be bad.”

You earlier mentioned that the situation at hand in the article is not equivalent to leaving one’s door unlocked, but the

In the same sense there is no other reason than morality not to piss in your mom’s coffee before bringing it to her on New Years Morning...

I always thought the roll-facing-out made the most sense and never understood why people would do it any other way. Now, we have pets, including a couple cats, and I understand completely why roll-facing-the-wall is preferable (at least in our circumstance). If you go roll-facing-out, then you can count on having an

So the actors actually have chemistry, and seem to enjoy each other’s company? Just further proof that we desperately need an animated series.

Oh, come on. He raised a legitimate point and argued it well. Your response is juvenile. I know you can be better than this.

the tweet isn’t just juvenile, it’s sexist and homophobic.

Too busy waging a war on Christmas to answer


Okay, click-baity, reactionary headlines aside? This is the real impact of Pokemon Go.

You can actually learn a lot about an animal in captivity. Even if you can learn more studying an animal in the wild, there is lots to be learned while observing them in captivity.

And after they study the dolphins do they don a wet suit and have dolphins do tricks to be fed? Maybe take a ride on the dolphins back?


Your opinion isn’t humble, your opinion is worthless.