Jemundur Guðmundsson

I heard the news, and yelled “NO!” This is absolutely heartbreaking. He remains one of my favorite actors ever. So much great work, and decades more that he would have given. 

Hey God, Omar comin’.

Now playing

That VCR pronounciation bit has to be a nod to Kayvan Novak’s previous life as a prank caller....

She and Matty Cardapole should do comedy show together. As mother/son detectives that live in a sleepy town with a dark underbelly.

The camera flashing to Nandi’s face as she is caught up in the absolute joy of playing the drum kit caused a whole crate of cut onions to float through my living room.

Spider-Man: Surrogate daddy issues part 3.

There’s more Wakanda stuff coming in the season so having some of them record a couple lines for this episode probably wasn’t a big deal, since they were already there.

You can’t write tears, man.

Anyway abolish the statute of limitations on sexual assault

I’ve heard from his agent that he’s being replaced by Ray BLOODY Purchase.

Man Steve-O has been the voice of reason for a minute. Sure he’s still doing Jackass stunts but he’s really cleaned up his act. 

I look back on Willow more fondly than I do Top Gun, so don’t knock it.

“It’s my take on Norse mythology,” said Snyder during the Geeked Week live stream. “It’s just going to be unlike anything you’ve seen.”

Guy Fieri, who has performed 100s of LGBT+ weddings, is the person you’re deciding to pretend is a homophobe? As always, go fuck yourself!

If he’s the mayor of Flavortown...does that make you the Treasurer of Bittertown?

He's not contributing to the *mission*. He's helping feed people. It happens that he does it by using them to distribute the food. I don't see any conflict here. Churches and ministries have community outreach capabilities that far exceed government or non-profit programs, especially in heavily religious areas. If

Fortunately they canceled his show at the cocaine factory. 

An Israeli moving into someone else’s space without permission? Surely you jest.

I’ve been stalking him and telling him he looks like a rotting mackerel but that seems to make him uncomfortable too. You can’t win with this guy!