@PotbellyJoe - Needs more laudanum, can you point me to the nearest apothecary?: u r explosive x - AT&T
@PotbellyJoe - Needs more laudanum, can you point me to the nearest apothecary?: u r explosive x - AT&T
Finally... I can hear Rupert Murdoch's version of the news... and pay for it!
What the hell were they thinking? Hey, I got a great idea... lets extort people for something that is normally free... I'm gonna say this either gets stopped or Ebay/Skype/whoever owns them now will have a huge drop in share price
They just want to shift the iPhone 4's that they have ordered before the iPhone 5 comes out (and I guarantee that it will have tiered data)
@HaveBlogWillTravel: No truth... Just let them hide behind the "secret recipes"
@Apollinarius: You can put an SSD in an iMac, stop sippin on that haterade.
@AlfLup: In soviet Russia, plane transport lorry.
Can I not just do the copycat thing in Disk Utillity?
I'm installing now... I'll let you know how it goes =]
@redman042: ICBM suits it more.
@JP The BAMF: #trollpatrol ... That is all.
@Cheesy13: Somebody never had a star... But yes :(
Steve Jobs has created the best computer eco-system out there, by maintaining a level of quality and performance that is hard to match. He has also helped a lot of people become successful through his business (Developers, Resellers, Repair Centres etc.) as well as maintaining a very high level of quality and…
@The Squalor Also Rises: Or beer... Never forget beer.
"Evil Amoebas? I sure *hope* so"
I was just playing a game on my iPad when CNN and the NYT popped up within seconds of each other to break this news.
1. Go to bank & withdraw saving as pennies
@xhedgehogx: the one I downloaded from Cydia places the iPad on mute as well as locking the rotation =[
@DrForbidden: It's marketing hype, because of the lower res small screen they can make graphics that are close to the PS3, however it will not be a 100% match
So what's the deal with Asians? do they all have massive basal ganglia? is it compensating for something?