One Two Skip A Few

The best part is when the video stopped before Ray Romano came on.

“Good year for me from unemployed to the Super Bowl!”

“For the last time, Mr. Tomsula, you are not allowed to live in Levis Stadium!”

Carmelo’s greatest flaw is that he’s deeply insecure playing beside D Wade and Lebron. He has always been desperate to prove he is their equal only he is too stupid to realize it’s winning and not stats that they are measured by. So he always has to get his, he always has to be the number one option. That’s why he

Alright, let’s recap the last few days between the two of us:

For me it comes down to this. If you are going to be dancing and taking pictures when you win then you have to be gracious in defeat. That simple move, to come out with class and tip you hat to the winning team would make all of his antics look like someone who loves the game having fun. But his attitude after a loss

Pretty disgusting that Manning would use this opportunity to shill for Budweiser. Especially when he owes this win to Miller.

Except none of those players have the cardio to last more than 2 minutes of action in rugby. Sounds good in theory, but these guys would run rings around them. Same way you can’t just put rugby guys in helmets and have them see the field in the same way.

A bunch of really big fast guys who gas after 5 minutes?

Can we all agree that “Anti-Aging” clinics are just a fresh way to get designer drugs? I mean looking back at it all now, between the Balco, that MLB report that had all the dopers names, that shady Florida clinic that A-Rod went to (Go Yanks), and now this. The common denominator is sleazy anti-aging or health

I noticed that shit too.

Nice gesture by FOX to younger viewers tired of watching Donald Trump grind on Megyn Kelly.

The most graphic part was her little tongue thing at :31. That ALWAYS means they’ll let you fuck them.

Anchor Julie Stewart-Binks suggested he should dance for her.

Even if Snyder goes down in flames (if that actually happens), the philosophy he espouses is still prevalent in other states. When will Congress and state legislatures realize that cutting budgets have consequences? That at some point you’re done cutting fat, and you’re destroying muscle and bone?