
Also great are the articles mentioning the fact that while in custody originally he and his mom told police to delete his social media and messages from his cell phone. Officer’s response was that they’d look into it.

How is it acting snarky to say both sides do actually suck in this situation since it is the wealthy getting wealthier by attacking the even wealthier and acting like it’s a David vs Goliath situation?

Fair enough, I agree with the no good guy in this completely.

Honest question, are you referring to the hedge funds doing the shorting or people like Gill who act like they’re just out to even the playing field but are actually getting people to inflate stocks he’s personally invested in so he can make a shit ton of money?

That’s exactly why I hate some of the articles I’ve seen painting these guys like Robin Hood because they’re screwing over short sellers. They’re not taking money from the these massive funds and giving it to the poor, they’re putting it in their pockets or the pockets of the smaller hedge fund they work at.

The streamer went on to say that he could never compete with the intelligence of Dana White, and how attractive and cool Dana is and how he bets he has a ton of friends and definitely isn’t thought of as a giant douche.

I was telling people last week this was just outright bizarre. I did a job in a tv station and found no less than a 12-15 dildos in the station despite it only being like 8 rooms.

Same. I’ve unfortunately gotten myself used to the blue screens from memory leaks every few hours, but the mash-up of Deus Ex, Shadowrun and Fallout elements have still been fun for me.

Black admitted to police that he knew Rittenhouse was underage but he said Rittenhouse “would have thrown a fit” if he wasn’t given the rifle

Giuliani says the guy is a Philadelphia resident, but he keeps running for office in Jersey. Since he was convicted of the offenses involving children I assume he’s on the registry, so it would be a spectacular self own if claiming he lives in Philadelphia gets him sent back to prison for failing to register as a sex

Time to find out if those bullshit waivers they had people sign for the Tulsa event cover death.

So under that genius rationale was Hitler a necessary evil to unite the allied nations?

Now playing

He was all over local TV for a while when for some god knows reason he was doing commercials for a small insurance company. I think they signed him after he did a stand up comedy show at a bar here. The company also had the guy from Police Academy that did sound effects.

It’s very hard for the most stable genius with the best brain and memory to remember his own words that he just heard repeated on live television moments before reciting them to reporters.

To add onto d), the way these guys describe a video game punishment is absolutely ridiculous.

Since I’m guessing most the trolls left when the comments sections started getting disabled and Splinter got axed completely, I’ll be that guy.

That’s my main complaint too. It is way shorter than I thought and I don’t feel like having to grind out 25 ghosts just to get into Heck where in 2 of the 3 runs I did I got 0-1 legendaries. Meanwhile I can do one Graveward run and get 3-6 in about 20 seconds.

I worry starting this conversation means we need to set up a basis for which is better, gameplay or video. There were some terrible later games but the videos with Ric Flair, Tim Curry, etc. were awesome.

Especially since they always stuck to their claim that they wanted to expand storage but they couldn’t because the servers couldn’t handle the load.