
WHAT DOES HE KNOW?! I don’t know why but I get the sense that it might be targeted. 

There’s a connection. If you look at the demographic who rapes and the demographic of who is supposed to investigate the rapists, you’ll find an awful close overlap. How utterly uncomfortable it must be to prosecute and arrest others for shit you might have done. Better to ignore and blame the victim. 

BEST part was when Terry was so vulnerable and shared about failing his exam and holding onto those suspenders as a symbol of hope, and then Amy low key takes a picture for the magazine after he trashes his dreams. Her tone and facial expressions when she mentions the deadline after the subtle rebuke from Rosa and

I don’t know what I think about Amy Kobluchar in terms of her policies, but this strikes me as the same “but her emails” bullshit and being driven by sexist bullshit. Can she get the job done and is she progressive. Unless it’s egregious like “grab ‘em by the pussy” small hands big hair in chief, I don’t give a shit. 

I make homage pizza about 1x per month. I ALWAYS make it Hawaiian with jalapeño. The sweet salty burn is perfection! 

After 37 years on this earth, and the accumulation of two BAs one masters and one PhD I am diagnosed with ADHD. The last two years of my PhD fel torturous and I really doubted my sanity and my ability to finish. I chalked it up to depression and being a huge coward who couldn’t force myself to have better discipline.

I hope each and everyone of them is identified and lose either scholarship funding or admission. 

My hope is that Sessions is petty enough that he turns and sings all he knows to Meuller like the best breakup anthem we will ever hear in our lifetime. 

I use to work graveyard responding to psychiatric emergencies out in the community. Most of the time I was in emergency rooms evaluating patients. The worst was getting stuck in morning traffic after no sleep for over 24hrs. I would rage and honk. It got to the point where I would just sleep in the car if it got past

I’m an Angelino born and bred, but i lived 10 years in Boston so I have some regard for the Red Sox. I moved back to Cali for a job. While watching the game with my family, bottom of the 11th, I started missing some Sweet Caroline and started singing, when my sister clocked me with a plush baseball in front of her

Megan Kelly knew where the wind was blowing and decided to pick some low-hanging fruit to save face. White racists love nothing more than to blame others for their poor behavior: hence making the comment regarding blackface knowing she was soon to be let go and now crying and saying that the PC police ruined her life

I kinda love how the Queen is low-key petty to announce the pregnancy right after the wedding. I read elsewhere that Buckingham requested that Prince Andrew tone down the wedding due to the cost, but he refused. That, and I love how it seems as if she really likes MM. 

Fin i were that child’s parent whom that racist, entitled sociopath stepped on, if file a police report and demand a child abuse investigation. I’d also demand that they note that and highlight it in her record and send it to the credentialing board in her state. 

Because they’ve rigged the system and own the receiptless voting machines...

After spending most of the morning watching her testimony (I couldn’t last more than 5 min listening to his rant I kept yelling in my office at work), I openly cried and felt the horror of what she was subjected to because of these selfish spineless men who are drunk on power and their own self-importance. Then I went

There’s now a report that the committee met with two men who swear they were the ones who assaulted Dr. Ford. The committee refuses to name them. They are fighting dirty and are going to say that she didn’t remember. They are going to keep their names out so others do not counter these “confessions.” Disgusting. 

This is false. Because on some posts I’ve been greyed while in others I was ungreyed and allowed with all the other “very good” commenters. 

I’m Mexican-American with long curly hair. I feel sooo much kinship with this because random strangers have also touched, blessed, and smelled my hair and made comments about it. It’s always awkward and I’ve always wanted to tell people to leave me alone and mind their body space. 

My house is on fire. Literally. My house is in the direct violent, ferocious path of the Ranch Fire in Lake County. I had just moved there in January for a job. I’m. Bit desolate and in a daze. Most of all I’m upset with myself for not being stronger. 

Cheetolini is only doing this because he’s a messy petty bitch. Doesn’t like that 8,753,788 voted for Hilary rather than him.