
That is an interesting way of viewing the game and one i hadn’t thought of (certainly not one discussed in the sub-reddit), but for a game that is a brand new IP that totes a giant install base on the Xbox One, the idea that this game is only for people with small periods of time to play seems dismissive of the rest

Listening to their most recent pod cast (via youtube) i could only get the impression that they just feel out of touch with the expectations of their player base.
They were genuinely surprised that people ground their way to pirate legend so fast as if they had never seen anyone play another mmo type game before. They

Brooding and working in black and sometimes very, very dark grey. 

You know i sort of long for the days when you could get home made candied apples for Halloween. Candy just feels too easy and I think i might rather have a nice soft, warm, fresh from the oven, cookie instead.

If you do a google search for that image, you might come across a website comichappy that might have the other panels from that story where death explains why Ben is interesting to her and will only have to change the last digit of the jpg file to read them in order (it might have been the second image result for me

How about him sitting in the passenger seat telling you all about his process for becoming the role of the Joker and then spending some time reenacting all his lines from the movies with commentary as to which ones were cut and which ones weren’t? I suspect it would be a series of short car trips with different people

Give him time, Fox News hasn’t told him what to think yet.

You’d think Melania at this point would be more than happy to give him this much at least.

I like to think that Satan merely provides an outlet for the wrongs a person has done to be revisited upon them. I figured for someone like Arpaio, it will end up being more like an endless retelling of the Twilight Zone episode Death’s Head Revisited.

Damn it, if only he could have run for that 3rd term, we wouldn’t be in this position today! (lamenting to loss of an American institution, Remington)

My friends are from playing FFXIV, so they either have PCs or PS4s (most have only PS4). That group is rather small and I can’t seem to get them to get online and play the games we do have in common right now (FFXIV and MHW for example), so trying to get them to go through the hoops for a pirate game is pushing it

I really wanted to go out and get Ni No Kuni 2 and Sea of Thieves with the Target BOGO sale, but everyone constantly dumping on SoT for lack of content and only fun to be had is with friends (of which i have none on xb1) is really killing my desire to head to the store. I guess it will be a weekend of MHW or trying to

They will probably get lost in the same building and end up in rooms next door to one other trying to figure out where the other one is. Its going to be a strange one since NK doesn’t get TV from other countries, how will Trump watch Fox&Friend? Will he bring them along with him to witness ‘the glory of NK?’ Can you

I agree with all these comments and critiques about the game but for some reason I still find myself logging in to play another session of wandering out into the dust in search of something new. This will probably disappear when i explore most of the map and complete the game, but for now I’m having a good mindless

I find Faux News offensive, along with Scientology, the Rhode Island government website, InfoWars, and at least the NRA. Since those are deemed offensive, can we block them as well? Hell with wording like that, you could end up with a prude who wants that pay wall in front of things like Planned Parenthood, anything

Just a little picture in picture called the seacrest cam where it just a live camera pointed at him with a counter beneath it for the number of times he dodges celebs.

Crap, now i want a squad in ‘into the breach’ that is all saiyans and i wanna Kamehameha bugs all over the place. XD

I am totally that second guy, but damn is it hard to try and convince people in control of budgets your department needs new hardware when they think ‘you dont do anything’. Its like, listen you little shits, the reason it looks like i don’t do anything is because i’m so damn good at my job, nothing breaks that

I probably would have booed his ass until i was escorted from the building.

But lets not tell them that is what they are doing, so they keep doing it until its too late and we’ll have black women getting elected everywhere.
Can i also say, this line “This move by Republicans in Georgia is like castrating oneself to spite an ex-girlfriend.” was my favorite.