Hey guess what! You know that great new feature of guided games Bungie toasted for people to try and get through the raid on normal that all us vanilla players can still access? Well guess what, guided games now requires light level 310, out of the reach of vanilla players! HAHAHAHA so if you don’t have a fireteam,…
So instead of deporting him (which the government wants soo badly to do), we will house, feed, and clothe him for a maximum of 10 years on the tax payer dime? Well i guess what is a few more on top of $1.5 trillion.
Its nice to know that a full price mmo-lite game only has a shelf life of 3 months.
In other shocking, not shocking news, the Leviathan Prestige Raid now requires the expansion to access and people are shocked. Given this is just a repeat of Bungie screwing over vanilla players like they did in D1, i am having trouble caring. I knew that as a vanilla player i was going to get f’ed over by Bungie with…
So it could be a minor repeat of Jesse Owens and ‘36 Olympics? I’m cool with that.
Because they do not realize that they are in fact the punch line.
A link to the youtube video from the channel Tim referenced in his reply.
If only they owned a dog, then he could be the fourth dumbest Trump (hell i’m thinking a pet rock could knock Eric down a rung on the ladder).
That Madden one was great, with the best part being the #Doyourjob Patriots on the board as they can’t even recover the ball and let a touchdown go unmolested.
It could have been in english (maybe old or high english) and he still wouldn’t have understood.
And then that feeling of ‘i’ll wait’ becomes ‘i don’t need to open this today’ to ‘hmm i can’t remember playing this last, so i’ll delete it’.
“Superflight, i like it so much i’m going to ruin my clothes”. Best Kotaku quote in a video review in ages. Now im going to watch the video again because i enjoy movement that is both luscious and scrumptious.
Holy crap that is creepy as hell. That is pushing into territory of restraining orders.
The Crocodile Scales mission. I’m just going to leave that here and say that i was messed up emotionally after that mission and its now my creed to slaughter any soldier i come upon in any situation.
Um, not to be a spoilsport, but apparently not only did they lower the cost of the heroes by 75%, but completing the single player campaign also got hit with a 75% hit. Before the cost was cut, you used to get 20k credits for completing the single player campaign, but now you only get 5k credits. So totally big win…
Oh look, NOW the mother of a child matters to Republicans. ffs
She may have lost one viewer from that tweet, but i’m going to say, she gained at least my viewership. Holy crap.
hilariously, that comment works both ways (i too enjoy thinkin’ ‘bout stuffed crust and eatin’ my .....)
And the manga goes a little nutso in the more recent volumes. Be interesting to see how far down the rabbit hole the anime will delve.