
I know it's his iphone and he can do what he likes, but as a student who's been carefully babying his taped-up, corner-store Nokia for years, I hate this man like no other.

I was out of games so I went over to see if my friend had anything I hadn't played. As a result, it's retro weekend, with Burnout Revenge and Lost Planet!

I'm not interested until it's combined with decent 3d tech so I can interact with new ads for products Tony Stark-style.

I've been playing a fair bit of BC2 lately but I've just gotten tired of the constant lag. Think I'll just trade it in and preorder Reach. Say what you want about Bungie games but their netcode is rock solid (and yes I am aware Halo and BC2 are hosted differently).

I know it's not an actual lego kit, but the lego Normandy 2 was way cooler imo

I like it, but since my current 'box is a Jasper chipset there's really not much incentive for me apart from the hard drive.

Hey, Halo has a rich and diverse lore! Go rag on GoW, ya big meanie :(

Four Lancers welded together to make a turret? Well...I guess that's new...

I love these 'duct tape aircraft' stories that pop up occasionally. My dad (an aircraft engineer) and I just laugh and laugh.

This might have already been posted but there's a extended gameplay version of this on IGN: []

They make it look effortless, but every now and then sometime like this happens that reminds you just how skilled these pilots are and just how dangerous the sport can be. Also shows just how strong those planes really are.

I really like post-apocalyptic games, but Fallout 3 never really grabbed me like I thought it would. Fun game, don't get me wrong, but it didn't live up to the hype for me. I'll be following NV closely though.

U.S being invaded...never seen that before...

@Jack is back, baby!: My thoughts exactly. 'Well, we're going push the release date back, and if you don't like it you're obviously a crybaby.'

@Who wants toast?: When this baby hits 88 light years a're gonna see some serious shit.

I'm currently envisaging a scene where Grunt steals Shepard's hamster and the whole crew has a whacky Benny Hill chase through the Normandy.

Overreaction by concerned citizens in 3, 2, 1...

I have a date tonight. She's cute, interesting, drinks beer and plays Xbox. If there is a god, I pray he will give me the power to not fuck this up. Amen.

He had me up to the whole 'reductio ad absurdum' part, which always strikes me as a crutch for poor comedy writers. You can make anything sound ridiculous with it.

@josephmeraz: Yeah, that game really polarized alot of people. I was one of the guys who really loved it. One of the defining games of my childhood right there. I actually tried to go back and play the first one after that, couldn't stand how lighthearted it was, so there you go heh.