
I feel the same way! I always felt like Ke$ha was a super-genius, trolling us all, in charge of her own destiny. I still feel that way, and am just bummed to recognize even a woman like that can let some fucking asshole into her brain on this level. Could happen to any of us, I suppose.

Comic Sans made it.

"Looking for the man of your dreams? Well Urine luck!"

Mindy was right. He would make a great centaur.

I'm admittedly very self conscious about dating shorter guys, but Josh Hutcherson could get it whenever, wherever, however. (Though it would undoubtedly be very nice and sensual the first time, and he'd probably play with my hair after.)

"So many things have... shades of grey. Heh. Heh heh."

It's soothing in a way to know that James Franco looks the same half naked as just about every guy I've ever dated.

While I see where you are going with this as a positive thing, I don't necessarily agree that the author is in the wrong. I was a pre-diabetic size 2 in high school. Why? Literally just because of the shitty diet I was consuming. I was an athlete and exercised over 10 hours a week. The NPR writer is not wrong insofar

I understand entirely that men are physically stronger than women on average, but there's something in the phrasing there that I find amusingly lacking in finesse. If you listen to the quote in context, it's pretty humorous in an aw-shucks-old-lady kind of way. Strength, after all, has many facets of meaning, most of

"Having a female win is great!" Yeah, it is! Thanks, progressive old lady! "Because, you know. Men are usually stronger than women." Oh. Oh, nevermind.

Can we also point out that one of the most modest women in show business chose to wear what looks like—even if it isn't—a completely sheer gown to meet a newlywed royal? The dowager countess is spinning in her grave.

What is this image from? Can't be a just a normal day in jail, because that would indicate either she is the most naturally beautiful woman on the planet, or they're handing out super fun make up in Russia's seriously fucked up prisons.

World, why u no love Dollhouse like I love Dollhouse?

For anyone else late-in-the-game perusing the competition, my Lennon review is here and my personal statement is here. It's been fun reading everyone else's!

She probably spilled hummus on it and had to cover it up last minute. That's something my BFF would do.

SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS OBSESSION TO ME. Major fangirl reporting for duty. I do not understand the Hiddleston obsession. Please please explain what I haven't watched that he is very sexy in, because he makes my vag shudder. In the bad way.

Everything looks really dumb!? I was not at all excited about the 50 shades venture until I found out Jamie Dornan was in it. Now after looking at that cover, I will probably be a bright shade of red all day until I run home at lunch to... uhhh... to cook, obviously. To cook.

Listen, you know, he can't let Miley have all of the edgy. He's still in there. He's still with it.

Mmmm appropriate he should be from District 4, cause that man surely has unlimited access to the great American fish market IFYAHKNAWWMSAYIN.