Who? After the “crash” I was still up 500% from 6 months ago. Right now most crypto has recovered, and I’m about 600% of what I started with. I’d say I’m happy with my choices.
Who? After the “crash” I was still up 500% from 6 months ago. Right now most crypto has recovered, and I’m about 600% of what I started with. I’d say I’m happy with my choices.
Shorting BTC has huge returns though, no one is telling you to go all in on shorting BTC here. If you invest for a living I’m sure you understand diversification. So again, instead of just talking shit why don’t you just short it?
Then why are you here talking shit, why aren’t you shorting bitcoin instead?
Naw fam, you should invest in bitcoin at 16K and then panic sell at 12K because gawker told you to.
If you got into crypto, getting out take literally no new knowledge.
Yeah since Peter Thiel gutted gawker I have a feeling they are just sock puppets for the highest bidder now and no longer allowed have their own opinions.
Really wonder why “gawker media” (or wherever the fuck it is now since it’s been gutted by Thiel) has against crypto. Bitcoin goes up, “it’s a bubble”, bitcoin corrects, “it’s crashing finally!!!”. Wonder how many times you can write shit like this before people stop taking you seriously.
Such a crash... Goes up ~600% in 1 month, drops 30% and it the sky is falling. Get a grip... Even if you’ve been in for a few months you’ve already have a far higher return that 99% of the stock market in a year.
Wow are you guys pathetic. Anything for a story.
Hater hater.
Was waiting for the part where she shut him up... please add the time to the video, watching through whole thing and I must’ve missed it.
Gotta fill the quota of articles needed per day even if it means giving advice you probably would not take yourself.
They’re hoping that you’re OCD and they force you to buy 8 packs of hotdogs and 10 packs of buns just so it’s 1:1. Everything is a scam.
There really no need to be a twat... Even in the last 20 years there were things in science we’ve gotten wrong, it’s not too far fetched that we will find more things in our future. We don’t know what we don’t know. You would probably one of the people that would support imprisoning Copernicus for saying we are not…
I’m not argueing you can go faster than light. I’m simply saying that maybe there are ways around it that we jsut don’t understand based on our current science and mental capacities. Our laws might be right but there also may be away to keep with our laws and still move somewhere else way faster than light could ever…
D2 sounds as infurieting as the original. Was interested in playing but it’s such a time sink that I just can’t justify it.
Always wonder if that’s just our limited capacity. Also wonder if there are ways to bend around this law where “technically we are not going faster that light but we’ve just gone faster than light”.
But given that Priestley is, well, a he, something tells us that Weinstein took it on the chin (so to speak) better than he would have if a woman had dared punch him.
Life isn’t always perfect. Hell, some people cheat and they don’t even acknowledge it.