
I have to say, this feels like a real win for Kotaku, GameStop, and journalism in general. Nicely done.

Great news; your efforts just made a lot of people’s jobs easier. Thank you, Jason!

That statement is missing a couple instances of ‘innovative’, ‘disrupt’, and ‘engagement’, but with a few tweaks I think that kid will be ready for his SXSW speech.

See this is EXACTLY what Kotaku is good for and should do more often. Actually call out GAMING related companies and businesses that conduct shady business practices at the expense of their employees and gamers alike.

It’s classic dictator chic. Look familiar? (Ivanka’s practically in Evita’s exact dress!)

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

Spencer did nazi that coming....

It just mind boggling how chapter 13 feels like a completely different a terrible way. Here you are, ready to face the empire that has crushed everything you held dear and suddenly the game turns into a very poor imitation of Resident Evil with clunky, boring and underdeveloped gameplay elements that have

I’m going to reference my profession, just once, to contextualize what I’m going to say next: I have spent the last decade as a professor of Literature (and Rhet/Comp, but whatevz).

I say that to say this: Final Fantasy XV is by turns a brilliant, revelatory, and absolutely necessary change in direction for a franchise

Now playing

For all those a**holes who keeps telling people how to play the game.

They looked nice enough to me I guess. A bit too anime-ish compared to the environments though, I’ll admit. But I thought they looked nice and clean.

Can’t disagree with Xenosaga though. I still wish they would have been able to stick with the original six episode plan.

Because black hats are so well known for being honorable and holding to their word. Ya seen S3 of Black Mirror yet?

He’d probably still call them “Sandpeople.”

Coruscant, now that’s a great planet. 5,000 levels. We’re gonna have even more levels, the best levels. And then we’re gonna build a wall, and the Tusken Raiders are gonna pay.

Trump: You know, Luke was a terrible Jedi. That’s true. He didn’t complete his training with Yoda and got his hand chopped off by his dad. Sad. I’d never get my hand chopped off, and that has nothing to do with the size of my hands. My hands are actually huge. They’re luxurious. They’re the best hands.

I don’t even see the Matrix code anymore. All I see is... blonde, brunette, redhead...