E Chief

My favorite part of that whole disaster was something along the lines of somebody asking:


The internet is a neutral medium. It’s people who are terrible.

Are you using the same Internet that we are all using, or a different one?

Could of been worse, could of been across to the left/down by a few inches...

“Not an exploit, human. Working as intended.”

I had a fair bit of fun with it during one of the betas a while back. Any fan of Borderlands would likely enjoy the co-op play, at least from the bit that was available at the time.
It still leans pretty heavily on MOBA mechanics for the competitive play so if you’re not of them it may be tough to stick with it.

Just enjoy the shorts then, they’re free. :)

It sure does

Sweet buttery penis, that's an amazing feature, if it actually happens.

Fuck yes, I would.

That Ditto one was amazing. Brilliantly disturbing.

That one I genuinely have no clue about.

Hey Jason! Using your amazing foreshadowing skillz to pay the billz. Destiny 2 on PC?