HAHAHAH Love my photo being featured <3
What it’s like working at Kotaku? An endless parade of cocaine and strippers.
Halo 5: Guardians is the first time I haven’t loved a Halo game. Though, thankfully, the latest chapter in the…
This piece of fanart illustrates just twelve of Mario’s many, many outfits.
This is the closest I’ve seen to a Japanese-made Pixar-style animated short. So, I’m guessing it’ll be the closest…
I might not like his videos much, because i don’t play most of those games, but those are all valid points that he brings up in his article.
Remember when Nintendo didn’t release Super Mario Bros 2 in America because they thought we’d think it was too hard?
When I first watched Kekkai Sensen, I was so in love. Everything about it struck me as amazing.
Probably why my cousin and I are not as excited about Halo 5. We played through most of all Halo campaigns in split-screen and we were excited about 5 before the split screen news.
When my son (8yo) found out we couldn’t play 5 together due to lack of split-screen, he actually cried for a few seconds. He was -heartbroken-.
He’s stopped talking about wanting Halo MegaBloks now tho, so maybe there’s something good to come from this...
“Half an hour later, I’ve got a heartbroken little boy who doesn’t understand why a game company decided to remove the ability for him to play with his dad. I got him started on the campaign solo, held him in my lap while he played, but his heart just wasn’t in it. He asked if we could just go watch some Netflix…
I was waiting for this before getting back to creating levels!
Nintendo’s sending a big new patch down Mario Maker alley next week, adding checkpoints and more complicated…
You can keep your Batmans and your Deadpools: I want another Hulk game. He doesn’t need the dark, emotional veneer…
If your console straight up turns off.. that’s probably a hardware issue. Same a PC.. it only shuts itself down when trying to save itself from overheating or such.
I hope Necrocasm eventually gets a Year 2 variant so I can kill Oryx with a weapon made from the corpse of his son.
You’d have missed it if you split before the end of the episode, but tucked away in the credits of Treehouse of…