Ninja is both singular and plural, and shinigami ninja don’t exist! I’m just kidding. Almost all anime have them. Pokemon probably does. Lol
Ninja is both singular and plural, and shinigami ninja don’t exist! I’m just kidding. Almost all anime have them. Pokemon probably does. Lol
Black for male Ranma and red for female Ranma were just anime ways of translating how one’s hair was darker as a male and a lighter brown as a female. It’s a common thing with anime, like how blue is a hue for black hair, as well as green. Superman in American comic books is one easy example of such a tool. It just…
IF the sun is the source of the lense flare, it’s not where our viewpoint can normally see it. For a lense flare to be seen, it would need to be located between YOU, the origin of your perspective/point-of-view and the sun., and aligned in that way. You have to look up at the sun to be directly blinded by it, and if…
This so-called lens flare could be justified in two ways. One, you could atribute the lense flare to an airhead who’s “shopping” her own pic with some gimmicky iPhone app, where you make yourself thinner, get rid of red eye, add special effects, use a black and white filter to make it look like a vintage photo, or…
The girl doing the jumping should be larger in her horizontal plane of location, in relation to the people in the back, who are watching her do the jump. She’s almost the same size as them, given where she is in xyz space, when she’s not as large as she should be, being closer to “us”, in our “from the lense of the…
That was the first thing that occurred to me, as well, until someone pointed out the entrance with no stairs or patio leading from the threshold to the inclined street. Lol
The bottom of the cup seems to defy physics in how it somehow slides upward, into this person’s face. It isn’t merely just held too high, as if she’s trying to take a sip WITH her nose. The cup’s dimensions implies it’s actually inside her face, partly.
Um... Eyelashes are connected to your eyelids and don’t grow from the frames of your eyeglasses.
Actually, your assessment would seem logical if it wasn’t for one major detail that the initial drawn lines are not ALSO showing. One more horizontal line should be drawn to show the level at which the armrest of the left couch is, in relation to the armrest of the couch on the right. This armrest would prevent anyone…