Ecchi Senpai Kakkoi

The reality behind such workplace environments is that, while you’re trying to act like a smart ass with the cosplay that skirts the technicalities and loopholes, within the confines of such rules and policies, the bottom line is that you’re being defiant at all. The jerk who are her bosses can just add that

Such harsh posts, toward the subject matter and the poster, herself. There are a few posters on Kotaku and pretty much everyone with “Yahoo! News” that I don’t actually respect as actual columnists, and I feel like certain individuals are just posting click-bait that they are actually re-linking from other sources

I would absolutely poop my pants AND everyone elses’ pants in the world (for good measure!) if they ever made a HD/remake of this game and/or a sequel for our current gen of gaming technology. I would feel like I could die, having lived a life that felt SO complete. Even if I missed out on all the new STar Wars movies

BTW, just about ALL games by Working Designs and Falcom were awesome. I don’t remember a crappy one form that era at all. hehe

Supa~ Toriton... I guess “Super Triton”? I know that Athena from the KOF series had her own game(s). I only ever played “Athena” on NES, but didn’t know they were the same character back in the day. -But this Psycho World looks like it’s related... Like how in KOF’95, you see a lot of references to “psycho soldier” in

Rockman 2 was actually my first in that series. I played it then part one, and just felt like part two was so much better. When I found out about that the repeated pause cheat to let shots just fly through you, I kinda cheated that game... a bit... I don’t even remember if I ever beat that game legitimately, now that

Oh, yes. Jackal was one of my favorites of that era, and I never realized the value of such an awesome game until much later. I wish they’d make a remake of this in the style of like the latest Bionic Commando games or Strider. Make it a 4-player online or couch co-op game and it’s a day one buy for me. An upgrade

That TMNT game itself was “Ultra” misleading (See what I did there? Geddit? Geddit...? Yeah...? lol)!!

Yeah, I noticed it after I posted it. Sometimes, I find an interesting article and want to comment on it, but type a little bit on my phone, here and there, while at work, and between customers. By the time I finally say all I wanna say, and then hit the publish button, I’m late to the party. lol

Yep! lol

Ehhh... I wouldn’t count Japanese Famicom/Super Famicom/Mega Drive era boxart. Typically, they were better and more subject-oriented than their localized or censored versions in North America. Localized ones were bad sometimes, but in an awesome way. Lol

Gardic Gaiden (TGL) Has always been one of my all-time favorite games. Aside from just being a fun rpg and a fun “twin stick” style shooter, as we know the genre these days, it was also a fun vertical-scrolling space shooter. The musical score itself was so immersive, and overall, that game was the full package

Check out the cover to a SNES game called “Phalanx”. It’s a space shooter, but the cover shows some old stereotypical, bearded hillbilly on his shack’s porch, playing a banjo, with a shooting star streaking across the night sky, way in the background. (When playing shooters now, you’ll probably be thinking of the

For that particular Top Gun title, I used to leave it on the “rocket type” selection screen, just for the music. With the NES’ musical capabilities at the time, it kind of sounds like a banjo playing when you try to listen to it now, but it was such a catcy, SUPER short loop. Lol

I’ve always liked this song, but to ME, it makes little sense. In the lyrics, she’s bummed out that it’s now Monday, and then says she wishes it was SUNDAY (That’s her “fun day”, mind you.). To ME, it would make more sense to utilize an actual “wish” for it to be any other day that came AFTER Monday, and NOT the day

I just like teasing people, but since you’re being a good sport about it, now I have to apologize for sounding mean. How dare you make me apologize my own apologies!^^

Exactly what a”cool” person wold say... You’re suspicious, so we’re gonna have to watch tou, and make sure you don’t say cool stuff like that again. Slip up ONE time, and we’ll all make fun of you! ^^

You nerd!

If at least one person didn’t find a mere splash logo animation like this interesting, he wouldnt have posted it. Think of how many other people exist in the world. Next, think of how many play video games. Now, think of how many like Kojima’s work. Next, the people who’ve actually heard of this site at all, and even

You “don’t know why”, yet proceeded to express your distaste over someone’s “splash screen” for their new studio, and emphasize “self absorption” as the theme Kojima Hideout is rolling with. If I splintered from a company that gave me the short end of a poopie stick, I’d be plenty proud over a new studio I had just