Ecchi Senpai Kakkoi

After I get all of my work done for the night, where I work 3rd shift, I can usually just chill a bit, between customers. I get exhausted with how my friend force feeds me all of his anime in marathons, when I am ready to go HOME and play some gosh darned video games! -I ordered over $600 worth of new pc parts to

I wouldn’t say there’s not really a choice, mainly because of how you can hit the “auto-run” key and just run in place, going nowhere, while stuck behind a fence or bush, etc..

I think the whole point of that particular line was that it was just “too easy”, and that if left to your imagination, the whole “less is more” kind of applies, ya know?

I love learning the basics of each character in arcade/story mode too, because it helps me feel a little more confident once I have to apply what I’d learned to fights against human players. Also, the story gives each character a certain amount of context, with which to refer to. WHY does this guy say this or animate

I don’t feel that they’re mutually exclusive categories. Some of us who’ve played this game since “Fighting Street” and “Street Fighter II” reside in the grey area, between the two extremes of this spectrum. I AM satisfied with the balance and mechanics in this game, so far. I was mildly bummed with the technical

I have the disc, I know, for sure. I can’t recall, however, if it was on XB360 or PS3. Oh, well... I DO love the game and wish fora PS4 sequel someday. I felt like I wish there was MORE to do, after running around with the other Marsden, endgame. T-T

Now playing

The chocolate French fries just happen to have a commercial in this past week of commercials’ roundup. The fries actually look good. I’d pretend it’s like eating fresh or warmed-up Pocky. w

Fahey-san, you should try Phantasy Star Online 2. Episode 4 is the newest update with a new class, so it’s not a bad time to start it. PSO2 has been out a long time, but even though the character models aren’t as pretty and modern as BNS, BD, etc., the game has SO much more customization options than any other mmorpg

Oh, we knew, alright. All of my plans, thus far, have come into fruition.

Bobby Brown was so cool, back in the day. Then he ruined Whitney’s life by entering it, and started and ruined their mutual daughter’s. Angry, this makes me. >_<

Logic is a double-edge sword when you attempt to wield it, isn’t it? Characters like Makoto “dress” to match their fighting styles, but it’s not just about trying to realistically match a character’s look to a culture and its respective fighting styles. Makoto is a judo practitioner, as far as the story/lore goes, and

Looks like another whiney, big baby in the house. If you don’t like her or the “campiness’ of Street Fighter games, play something else. If you wanna play the game and just not pick any of the more “serious”-looking fighters, that’s up to you too. Don’t think for one minute, however, that YOUR opinion will ever be the