German Verb Wheel

In the absence of any federal protection for transgender people in housing, employment, etc. saying that the United States military fights for the right of people to be transgender is absolute nonsense.

Wait, why is Drunk History just listed as "Drunk"? Is that actually what it's called?

On this show, what is the incentive to try hard on the mystery box challenge? If you win you usually get to sit out the elimination challenge later, but nothing bad happens to you if you fail at mystery box. They don't even taste your dish. So why knock yourself out unless you're sure your dish is amazing?

It would have killed at Brandeis.

On the other hand, Jerome Bettis was pretty good reacting to Michael Scott at the paper convention on The Office.

Grizzly Adams DID have a beard!

I was about to say Lee Carvallo of Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge, but it turns out he's a fictional person voiced by Dan Castellaneta. D'oh.

It would have been an interesting twist if the other customer had actually been a woman with short hair and a similar quintet in her brain had been like, "does this black lady think I'm a guy?"

He's already buddies with John Hillerman! Convenient!

Maybe too soon but RFK would have made a better President than JFK.

Jughead > Keith Moon

It was basically the longform version of a political attack ad.

You're right, 90000 isn't that many, which is something to keep in mind next time Mike Huckabee claims that allowing transgenders to use the bathrooms of their choice will result in armies of hulking, bearded child-snatchers greeting your daughter in the girls' room.

One thing Oliver does that I don't like is that he will cite some damning statistic or anecdote and then say "That's HORRIBLE." or "That's AWFUL." like he doesn't trust the audience to draw that obvious conclusion along with him. I would honestly prefer a thousand mugging Jon Stewart faces to that, although I'm

Did anybody read the Great Brain series when they were kids? I would love to see films of those.

"Hey, balloons!' from the movie is a handy quip every time Oher blows an assignment or commits a false start, which is pretty often.

"Superconnected" by Belly is from 1995 and a personal favorite of mine.

The best word would have been Dauphin. That's a funny word.

I thought this was going to be the score to the movie "Beethoven"!

Also the doctor who did the Junior Mints surgery!