E. Byron Nelson

10/10, best episode since Butters' Bottom Bitch— that is what a good Southpark episode looks like, and if you don't think so, I'm sorry, but you probably just are a marsupial.

Sure, a show can do both. A good example is Torchwood, which often had intriguing, even unnerving stories while at the same time exploring its complex characters and their relationships. But that show was built as a mature, risky take on the whoniverse. Doctor Who isn't allowed to do things like have the Doctor kill a

New Who is now decidedly the most narcissistic sci fi show in the universe. "This is a finale that bristles with ideas: who the Doctor is, what his relationship is with the Master, what role soldiers have in Doctor Who, why the Doctor and Clara can’t help but lie to each other …" Those aren't ideas! Those are all

I could not disagree more about the complaints about the pace: this episode was my favorite of the season for no other reason than its pace. If there is one thing New Who has always needed to do, it is slow down the pace. The Doctor and companions need to take time to walk through weird environments, not run past

I love Pulido's art, and a big part of that is due to how much it reminds me, in its own original way, of the style of two of my favorite comics artists, Jaime and Gilbert Hernandez. I look at Pulido's work on Shulkie and feel entirely welcome as someone more likely to be drawn to Fantagraphics' titles than any other

Haha, that would be good. Davison is nowhere near my favorite either, but I imagined him larking about in the woods, taking it easy, and thought I'd like to watch that.

I've come to realize that the only essential difference between original Who (which I love) and New Who (which I mostly dislike, despite sincere efforts), aside from the effects, is the pace: there is no comparison between spending six half hour episodes with one story, no matter how basic the premise, and being

Oh, ok. Since the whole case is based on this one 'dying statement' piece of evidence, maybe Jen thinks it would be dumb to object, since that would have to be explained at some point anyway? Also, there's this whole thing where Cap refuses to have Jen try to get him off on any 'technicalities' because he wants

In the comic, Matt's explanation in the first panel is actually the end part of his opening statement. Then his questioning of the first witness in the next panel gets elided into that in a way that can be read as a kind of jump cut over the boring waiting around and swearing in stuff between opening statements and