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Skynet does not like your dissenting comment or your perceived tone. Your attitude has been noted. File created.
As an owner of a Pre-DMCA car...
$20-25K was typical on the 302 for at least 6 months. Least it was here in the northeast.
In fact, it’ll only be $13,500 more, for a total price of $61,370, giving you access to a flat-plane crankshaft V8 and carbon fiber wheels.
*before “Market Adjustment”
It’s the stone. It doesn’t rust or rot like steel and wood.
I suspect the substandard food’s the stuff that will be used for animal fodder. You’re right - telling “the poors” that such stuff is good enough for them is pretty crappy. But there’s a lot of produce and groceries (in Australia, anyhow - YMMV) which is simply thrown out for commercial reasons, even though it’s still…
I worked at a major chain store that sold packaged food. In my experience most of the we had to throw away was simply due to the packaging being torn while opening the boxes.
I read Aleve is good for ulcer pain tho.
Remember the chilling scene in the first Avengers movie in which Loki tells Black Widow to run to Piggly Wiggly to…
Darth Cheney only exists today due to technology - one big EMP or loss of proper servicing and he’s done
You guys are the grandsons of Bilo “The Rapist”
Also a VA resident. Can confirm. It’s also closer to $17, I think.
Here they come! :)
I read this with a bit of incredulity because I’ve only lived in states that had an annual inspection requirement (VA being one). I’m shocked not all states have one. I’m perfectly happy with the state keeping idiots off the road whose cars cease to function. It’s bad enough that cars still function while their…
I fucking love the Osprey. Got to ride in them a whole lot getting from one FOB to another (got a funny story about that and why I got the nickname “Fobhopper”) when I was deployed to afghanistan. I honest to god want to have babies with this thing, thats how awesome this aircraft is. To those that have never ridden…
What does it take to declare yourself a sovereign nation?
An order of protection wouldn’t have prevented him from murdering her.
I want one! I promise to give it a good home. I promise to take it on twice weekly sorties where it will be able to chew on disused shipping containers. Please? Please? Please?