
This! its so ubiquitous that its boring even in 12 and 16 cylinder configurations. It also doesnt help that you can’t go two seconds without an obnoxious LS/LT fan showing up and rattling off the usual sundry list of why the world needs to be LS swapped

Doubt they will ever chill out, even in VA with the threat of an automatic reckless at 80 mph+ with the possibility of jail time drives don’t give a damn.

That said, maybe that’s what Michigan needs? Get caught speeding over 75 and spend 6 months in the 10th ring of hell otherwise known ay South Eastern betwixt not

It’s meaningful in the way that the GT500 is based on a 20k sporty car and the GT3 RS is based on a 90k sports car.

Granted the GT500 relies more on horsepower than handling precision but the overall package is good enough that it narrows the gap to 2/10ths which speaks well about Ford Performance and their efforts

Neutral: Ending nearly 50 years of wage stagnation - SUVs are just practical
do-it-all-mobiles with a high degree of reliability and a sense of security. So when a cash strapped family is out looking for a family vehicle the station wagon/minivan/truck is an obvious choice.

Trying to balance a big set of wheels aside I swear this has something to do with retaining or protecting occupants in a side intrusion.

Man the front end proportions just look off. They look less truck and more full size van to me.

Grilles will never be passé - they add some interest to the front end and even on an EV can serve a purpose if need be.

Germany has got you covered! That could possibly be why they are so susceptible to cracking after smacking into pot holes and such. Asian and ‘murican wheels tend to bend in similar situations.

At work we’ve taken to calling it germanitis when owners come in to have a flat tire fixed. Its gone from rare to uncommon. 

Hmmm... this just seems a band-aid fix for stagnant wages. Well as the article suggests if its a fix at all.

Sounds like he is speaking from an esthetic perspective. There is a definete balance between wheel diameter, sidewall height, wherl gap amd body design ( to encompass fender height, cowl height and so on ) ground clearance and so on.

Voodoo was only ever intended for the GT350 which at one time was slated to go out with the introduction of the GT500 but its had a stay of execution IIRC through at least 2020.

The 5.2 most likely will live on in CPC form due to the GT500 and the Mach which would be nice to see. A 5.2 in Bullitt tune would make 500

it would be really cool if somebody could set up a legal event. I know the logistics would be a pain in the ass but it doesn't seem insurmountable.

At this time you can tell 143 people just want to see the world burn!

Naw, its not government rent control - I just call it that since I don’t subscribe to the baller living quarters ideology. I put 25k down on my pad to avoid the mortgage insurance scam on a little 1100 square foot place that was on the market for 119k - its a 50's era home with 3 bedrooms, a single bath, living room, d

But I want to live in a Sim City style ARCO with living space modeled on a beehive where I enjoy a tasty nutrient paste and get my daily ration of water along with some pill brûlée so I remain a compliant happy worker!

Less facetiously, yeah human beings have literally fucked themselves into a corner and its going to

And can afford!

Well I feel like I speak for most of the peasan.. I mean jalops here when I say I’d love to but unless name dropping Jalopnik gets me about a 60-70k discount this blog post really doesnt apply ( unless of course I’m wrong and I’m the only peasant on this page ).

History and fanboiism have a way of doing that. Go look Bob Lutz’s up “10 Shadiest People in the Industry I’ve Worked With” - IIRC a C&D article and read the comments as people lose thier shit.

Right! Look at D J Trump! Same oppertunity as everybody else and became to most powerful man in the “free” world. 

Hah! I’m 80,000 short of a million, a modest home and a 2017 GT350.

And yes the car note is about 200 more than my mortgage but I couldn’t give two shits about equity - my house is rent control! Most single bed room apartments in my area that you don't have to wear body armor and use a mini-gun to go get the mail are