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So I guess that Roy Moore interview went something like this;

ZL1 competitor and possible ZL1-1LE competitor.

Prototype I’m sure. The blower will be from Eaton amd previous units had better finish.

Agreed! The intended target is the ZL1 and possibly the ZL1-1LE both of which can turn in a serious lap time.

>>shrugs<< its for the nutswingers with deep pockets and it is cheap advertsing for Ford. You go in looking to finance a GT500 for 97.3 years and come out with a pony pack ecoboost car with a 12 year note and tell everybody you would have gotten the GT500 but superchargers are sooooooooo 2017 and you care about saving

Blowing up everywhere - SVTPerformance even watermarked the blower pic a few days after it was dropped in one of FB GT350 groups. There is also a document that’s been floating around awhile with IIRC oil manufacturer recommendations or some such.

Harris talks about not getting excited about the car and I think that is going to be the biggest challenge with EVs going forward. You can include all the gimmicks you want when it comes to features and design but for people who grew up with internal combustion engines and multi-gear transmissions that background

WOT operation is generally uncontrolled since by nessecity you dont want a lean running engine. In the ZR1's case you also have forced induction and even with DI they run rich to avoid a melt down and engine knock.

>>shrugs<< China and Europe have decided for you. Collectively they make US consumers look like they are pissing in the rain when it comes to ICE powered vehicles. If say China said tomorrow it was going completely electric in 2019 you would see a dramatic shift by 2019. Now I’m not saying that would be possible but

Man tough crowd...

I wonder if Mr. Hawthorne had been diagnosed with some sort of debilitating disease? I had a great uncle commit suicide after starting to suffer from Alzheimer’s.

Pyrrhic victory with Matt Lauer unless he gets the same treatment as Weinstein and by same treatment I mean criminal investigation and failing that strike while the poker is hot and sue his ass into the stone age.

You... called.... Christina Hendricks just a “redhead”...

I’m sure they have but at this point I just enjoy the act of driving a manual and given today’s lightweight clutch action even traffic isn’t a bother (helps too when your car generally can go almost 60 in 1st gear).

Tru’dat on the fox and also include a shitty suspension. Those old fox cars were fun (well right up to the snap oversteer into a tree at 80 mph and a 6 month stay in the hospital as a buddy of mine found out) since the limits were fairly comparatively low.

If you can buy a $200,000 care with better performance than a million dollar car, then how do you justify the price tag?

It won’t.

I guess if you have an engine hooked to a dog clutch running straight through a driveshaft and a diff with a 1:1 final drive and monster truck tires... yeah won’t really go anywhere.

Its a well known fact that certain parasites are sensitive to sunlight.

Soooo.... let me get this straight? The party of the smallest government - the original “drain the swamp” crowd put a fucking shit head in office that’s done exactly the opposite of what they had elected him to do.