
IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.

KNOW THY SELF was carved into stone by the Ancient Egyptians as both a lesson, and a reminder. Sexism, racism, and colorism are pre-programmed, mental, illnesses founded, and grounded, in extremely low self-esteem. Before you fan the wind beneath (y)our wings, learn which way

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.

If it wasn’t so tragic, it would be hilarious. Intension is to (y)our spirit what bone marrow is to (y)our skeleton. [White] America is rotten to the core with a corrupt, decadent, criminal, justice system where protecting the credo of [white] male supremacy has always been

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.

If it wasn’t so tragic, it would be hilarious. Intension is to (y)our spirit what bone marrow is to (y)our skeleton. Some “things” must be absorbed. An expanded consciousness “can-knot” be stolen, imitated, transferred, denied, or destroyed. An “opened mind” can only be masked,


KNOW THY SELF was carved into stone by the Ancient Egyptians as both a lesson, and a reminder. Integrity is what holds (y)our mind, (y)our health, (y)our life, and every kind of community [society] together.

GOT teaches that every kind of force duhz “knot-work.” Even though

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.

KNOW THY SELF was carved into stone by the Ancient Egyptians as both a lesson, and a reminder. Integrity is what holds (y)our mind, (y)our health, (y)our life, and every kind of community [society] together.

Every kind of force duhz “knot-work.” Even though those 3 words were

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.

The goal of perfecting “a weak imitation of white” has destroyed the minds, and bodies, of every kind of melanated [black] people. Integrity is what holds (y)our mind, (y)our health, (y)our life, and every kind of community [society] together. All African Americans are

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.

Black, and white, are “knot-races” that manifest as States Of Mind. The goal of perfecting “a weak imitation of white” has destroyed the minds, and lives, of many melanated [black] people. All African Americans are “knot-black.” Whereas, not every pale-skinned person is

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected. This is yet another example of TPPS - Tiny Pink Penis Syndrome - with no hope of a natural erection - run amok and gone pussy pink wild.

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected. This is yet another example of TPPS - Tiny Pink Penis Syndrome - with no hope of a natural erection - run amok and gone pussy pink wild.

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.


KNOW THY SELF was carved into stone by the Ancient Egyptians as both a lesson, and a reminder. Those 3 words are still more than a passing suggestion. If (y)our belief system supports any kind of slavery [mental, physical, doctrinal], (y)our religious mindset is still

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.

IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.

THE BIG PICTURE really is “yuuuge.” The vain belief called white [male] supremacy is a narcissistic, [self] destructive, self-loathing need to promote vanity in this consumer driven society. Perhaps, in ToDaze Whirl, the only advice left to give is: Don’t die.