Ebichuman - イカせてみせます、今夜こそ!

SMBC summed it up best.

To those interested in actual computational neuroscience (as opposed to uneducated guesstimates by Ray "Bollocks" Kurzweil), The TED Talk by Sebastian Seung on "connectomes" would be a good place to start. (or just ask Wikipedia : [en.wikipedia.org]

@aek8: now that's a chauvinistic statement...

@fredmcelk: Tokyo Metro and Toei lines, not pictured on this map (which shows only above-ground lines operated by the JR in the greater Tokyo area), have 260-something stations. Combined with this, you have something ridiculously large and complex... And you would still be missing lines from the Tobu, Keio, Odakyu,

@orthorim: Yep, 2 lanes for the bus, restricted to low vehicles with bars at ~2m keeping anything over that to drive in those lanes (or reward them with an insta-cabriolet).

@—Core—: Possibility exists, but very unlikely. We found various specimen of different ages for pretty much all other species, so...

The origin of that pic, which was lost in translation, is just a word play on Osaifu Keitai (litt. Wallet Portable [cellphone], name of the popular electronic payment option found in Japanese cellphones).

Way to recycle a 2 year old "story".

@ddhboy: 109 is owned by Tokyu (109 can be read 10-9, to-kyu). So yes, 109 is a brand, and this could be seen as advertisement, but really it's much more of a landmark than anything.

@CrispyAardvark: that looks good. Any link to feed the search-impaired ? (couldn't find anything similar)

@jepzilla: Consider yourself hearted, for knowing what you are talking about - very much unlike the cited LHC guy, who should have at least googled before commenting.