
Is this going to be on every thread related to trump?

Illegal Immigrant********************

Thanks for the mansplaining, bigot

RBF tho

This is retarded


Best show of year!


Just surprised a dude wrote this. yaas queen

Fox and Friends, just straight garbage propaganda. SAD!

At least for once the “Not my president” makes sense. Seeing as shes not an American

“The fact that you don’t see how your experience does not and should not dictate what you deem to be overall or moral value of the decisions of others is honestly mind-numbing to me. Are you being purposefully obtuse?”

I am an immigrant myself. Im sure you are so much smarter than me.(masters from top 5 engineering school). Life isnt fair sometimes, just cause people think they can break the law and over stay their welcome, or just flat out sneak in, dosnt mean there arnt consequences. Even if they dumped a kid here. (also sorry

UHOH! Tough guy! Classic attack the person not the argument. Whatever, works over im gonna go home.

Logical argument. “It worked for me so it must be fine”. Legal immigration would have near all the benefits of illegal immigration (and some benefits that illegal dosnt have. Anyways works over for the day. Going to enjoy this nice Chicago weather! Legally!

Im the clown lol, you want no border. (or at least a border that dosnt matter)

Calm down lady. I work in America right now. (H1B) Its simple logic, the more illegal immigration, the harder it is to increase the flow of legal (specially in mind of voters). Feel free to research, I will too.

I live in America, also Irony

Just because something has a net positive doesn’t mean It should be allowed or encouraged. Personally I think laws should be upheld. If you want unlimited immigration, change the law.

I more meant the trips into America illegally are often dangerous.