But what does pdiddy think?
But what does pdiddy think?
thats not his twitter tho...
OK 84 gallons is actually inconsequential.
not wanting illegal immigration does not necessarily mean raciest. Often times it does but to dismiss them all as xenophobes is short sited. (in my opinion)
Then their parents shouldnt have broke the law and snuck into a country
Maybe there are some consequences from breaking the law and sneaking into a county?
No one seems a problem with the precedent this sets? Electing someone who broke the law to come in, albeit as a child.
What change in ethnicity? Isnt the iron fist white in the comics?
Glad they are focused on the things that matter /s
I dont see the outrage when people make fun of trumps hair. Just saying. Double standard?
Oh fuck off
So by not showing up to teach they have forced women to not take the day of and to in stead take care of kids. ahh feminism
Nice symbolism, except that girl would get fucked up by that bull. So shes dumb.
I mean to be fair, Adele is fat in reality...
“I cant believe Janet Jackson isnt in the R&R HoF” Said no one ever. Does anyone really think this is a sexist issue? Could it be the lack of female presence in the industry?
Wow she didnt talk about her vagina once
Because women never sexually assault men right?
Logical conclusion
Wow a picture of 7 non whites with swords proves your point lol