
A few tidbits: my junior-high German teacher told us that a language is learned not even from mouth to ear, but from mouth to mouth... right before our graduating 2-week trip to Germany... message received ! It worked wonders for my Spanish too.

My beef with Waze is it will add thirty turns to shave off thirty seconds

So what you’re telling me is: skip packing the bottles, just take the booze home in my stomach?

I’ve had whisk(e)y for many years. All kinds. Was never impressed. But recently all that changed when I had Lagavulin. Islay whisky FTW.

What’s the creepy b&w photo of the TV cowboy for?

we don’t need to be “taken care of”— actually it’s the exact opposite

Everyone is removing the headphone jack, no one is bothering to imporove wireless audio.

This is ignorant and irrelevant. Machine guns were banned in 1986. The problem here is the perpetrator. Let’s make his illegal machine gun even more illegal! That’ll stop the next one for sure! I truly believe if someone wants to commit terrorism they will find a way to do so. You guys can go ahead and continue to

One time, in high school, our math teacher got so angry at our class that he just looked at us and and jumped casually out the classroom window (it was second floor, but not obscenely high since the first floor was partially underground). He returned several minutes later with candy for everyone. So, really, I think

Main? I don’t honestly recall, but with 100 million constant methane emitters (in the US), along with all the other secondary emissions (agriculture, refrigeration, transport etc.) related to meat production, the contribution to the greenhouse effect becomes nontrivial.

It’s not about health for you (or it wasn’t at first) but the purpose of all these experts and doctors recommending a plant based diet is to be healthy (as well as saving the animals and the earth yadda yadda - but I don’t think that is the main reason). I’m not talking about why each vegetarian/vegan chose to be one.

As a vegetarian, I find these studies preposterous because they clearly reflect the biases of the lead researcher(s) (and possibly the sponsors) more than anything else.

Explaining the strengths and limitations of this paper was Beth’s job. As brief as I can be: this analysis is based on a massive amount of data collected over a long time (nearly 5 million person-years) from reliable, well-established cohort studies with a high degree of internal validity (ie, good measurements). The

Potatoes, including the white ones, are high in potassium and a number of other nutrients and vitamins. They are quite nutritious for those of us not freaked out by carbs.

I didn’t watch this so I may be wrong but I doubt that any show/movie promoting a plant based diet says that refined sugar is ok. For one thing a plant based diet is about being healthy and for another, most refined sugar is not vegetarian.

That’s not at all what cowspiracy was about.

Why did they lose points for potatoes?

I don't think digging towards the root of a problem is patronizing. I suppose the way the question was worded, and whether or not an assumption was made (on either side) would determine that. Asking someone to explain their position, and giving them ample room to do so — seems like a pretty good way to work out a

"cross examining" implies aggressive questions while Socratic questions usually are NOT aggressive, but curious in tone.