pesto nexto mybed

First thought when I saw the pic and skimmed the headline: “Zimmerman is sexually assaulting women now?! Does he get some kind of Piece of Human Garbage Achievement Award?”

I don’t have kids and never will. But first of all, physical beauty is subjective anyway. Do you think your kid is cute? Usually? Then don’t lie to them. Boom.

Never seen anything like this in my life. If you’re fighting in a drive thru, you have some human shit t0 work out, Feshir.

When I was 19, I dated a virgin who was ALL ABOUT eating me out. It was like a whole new world, as my previous boyfriend maybe cruised down there once or twice but I can’t even remember because MY SEX LIFE STARTED WITH THIS MAN. I ended up punching that v-card and he was a terrible boyfriend, but I will never forget

Regarding the Gwen and Kate item, I can speak from experience as the former girlfriend of a band member. We broke up, then the lead singer and his girlfriend broke up, and the first time she and I got together afterward was like a cheesy-ass scene out of a movie called White Girls Drink White Wine and Bitch. We

Because women’s bodies are owned by society, silly.

Loni Love’s crack at the end made me spit out my coffee. So perfect.

As the owner of one of those considerate wake-up cats, that’s so cute! And interesting. I stayed at my sister’s house last night, so I didn’t get to see if she also made that kind adjustment. Likely not.

That doesn’t surprise me. I have a friend who says very stupid, almost cartoonishly ignorant things in the name of his own “conservative views” but I think he just likes to pick fights. Nonetheless, he is one of my best friends on earth. He is v. fun to drink with, as I imagine Ann might be.

Right now in Spokane, a police officer is on leave for allegedly sexually assaulting another officer, at the home of a third officer, after a party. There are also allegations of tampering with the evidence. I thought I would see this show up on GM at some point.

I’ve only lived with a boyfriend once for a couple of years. Took him about a week to realize that just because I worked from home, I was not anyone’s maid. I did what I could, but felt no singular responsibility to keep the house clean because I was in it more. I just flat refused to clean up after him. You want to

I think there are pricks on all sides of the vegan argument. I think being vegan is great, although I am not one currently. But there is no more delicious group of snivelers to mess with, and for that, my hat is way off to this guy, even if he is kind of an asshole.

I just asked a friend and it might be up to quarters now, but it’s at the Museum Club.

There’s a bar in Flagstaff that may still do 10 cent Coors Light one nigh a week; the locals may ask if you’re “going to Dimes.” They’re in the teeniest of water cooler cups, but I’ll be damned.

I went to the 08 democratic convention in my state, and by then Obama all but had the nomination. I bought a giant button on sale with a picture of Bill, and said “First Gentleman.” I was there to support Obama, but I’ll be damned if that didn’t affect me. I still have the button.

I think one would start with the cancer claim because that’s a sickening thing to lie about for no reason. You should check yourself.

Cher, NOOOOO. Shit next to diarrhea is still shit. It all still comes out of an asshole, and will get flushed. We shouldn’t give it a medal.

I was the only girl in my middle school one year to have the Scream killer costume, among like two dozen boys. Every time some 12-year-old ass-cake decided to remind me of my gender-inability to wear such a costume, that’s how my face looked. My favorite costume of all time was when I went as Sully MFin’ Sullysberger

A friend sent me this video earlier today, and I sat at my desk ugly-crying through the whole thing. I thought about how the internet gives us access to the worst of the worst of humanity. But even ten years ago, we didn’t have such immediate access to amazing animal videos. Which I could have used.

Heard that. I’m a true crime freakaleek, and any show I’ve seen on this case tries to make Andrea Yates the unfortunate, but villainous character while praising her husband and his strength getting through such a hard time. It was clear to me she was a truly troubled woman who listened to her God and husband tell her