
Pop Cult Corner

Fricking incredible! To be able to hear "Astro Zombies" "Skulls," and"Where Eagles Dare" live and from the mouth of Danzig along side Jerry and Doyle is just unreal in 2016.

Nope. So, I got that going for me!

I don't know if TNA has all of NWA and I think there's some NWA in WWE's vault now. since they have Roode, Joe, Aries, Perkins, Young, and Styles on the roster, it would make sense to get those old matches and then they can actually talk about their old matches and not gloss over their days in TNA.

What are we at, almost a month now? A little over? Who dares challenge us now?!

No, but I think we're the only two here who comment on Reasonable Discussions this early about it.

Aww, I appreciate the honor, but if I'm not around, you have my permanent permission to post it.

I emptied out old beer in my fridge to make more room for more beer! No, still have a lot of beer to get to.

I found no taste whatsoever to Malort and feel like the reputation was not lived up to.

Come on! We could buy it and flip it to WWE for their video catalogue alone!

Went to Riot Fest over the weekend and feel happy that I got to see the Misfits in my lifetime. Got great plans coming up this weekend. Life is alright.

I gotta start getting to my stack of comics soon. Busy the next couple of weeks, so soon. Soon.

Straight Shoot!


Pop Cult Corner!

Sorry your sponsee has been giving you problems. A good backhand will change that.

Straight Shoot

Pop Cult Corner!

Just Cthulhu.