
I hadn't thought that far ahead about wardrobe, but I like that you're on the ball. You get to be a high priest!

All I know is that my gut says: Maybe.

Films: Ant-Man because I have a Paul Rudd bias in that I find him dreamy.

Have they cast anyone for Andre? They should just cast a tall man and surround him with midgets.

I'll need to look into back issues of those Hawkeyes, since the word is good. I've got a short stack of comic collections to get through at the moment, though.

Fuck… something. I don't know. I'm kinda more ambivalent this shit right now.

Hawkeye, the most chill of the Avengers.

Sympathy upvote. So sorry to hear that.

Drug dealer is a good way to make extra cash, but it's not really for you.

The Straight Shoot!


The product now is geared towards wrestling as a family experience and the actual wrestling now is at such a quality that you'd be dumb not to take your kid. I remember going to any house show that came through Rosemont Horizon/Allstate Arena as a kid. It's a worthwhile experience.

I'm disappointed that I didn't get a notification for this.

It's looking like Payback: Part 2, but still worth checking out. I wish they'd mix up some things, but I get that they're gonna go safe for now and save the bigger stuff for Summer Slam.

It was a nasty bump and I hope they take his concussion seriously. It sucks because these guys were on the rise and then WHAM!

Most definitely. Expect when we talk about rants as a topic.

It's all about the establishment: Trump's not an establishment candidate. No one on the GOP ticket was. Clinton is an establishment candidate. More people are going to be likely to preserve the establishment than to allow someone seen as volatile get elected. Even Sanders can be seen as an establishment candidate

If I did…

I was originally think Modcast because we're both mods on The Avocado but then it finally hit me in the fucking face: AvoPodo. Like, duh!

Cool! Again, I have nothing firm on this, but next time we hang out, we can discuss it more and start planning.