Wow a bunch of obvious, recent shit. What a terrible list.
Wow a bunch of obvious, recent shit. What a terrible list.
More proof that all cops just need a bullet to the fucking head.
Nah. 2 is actual survival horror. 4 is goofy anime action... it was the lead in to 5 and 6's awful tone and boulder punching.
I didn’t call her a monster. I called her a hack. I don’t really understand the need to defend her when her entire catalogue is trash... AND when this statement goes directly against what she was saying leading up to the movie coming out.
I don’t see the big deal. I think she looks great.
Would a wall keep dipshit racist honkeys out of Texas?
We won’t exist 3 decades from now.
Banks is a fucking hack.
Judging by this article... no, it wouldn’t be helpful. There would literally be two dozen pieces written about HIM from this site alone.
You sound retarded.
So, a dog shit Guardians knock off? Sounds about right.
I thought he was playing Tiny Tina in a stunning and brave reversal of his shitty anti-queer world views.
Thank god she’s white otherwise we could have been in real danger.
“In any case, his accuser has the same assumption of innocence until proven guilty.”
Sounds like it’s going to fucking suck.
“framerate targets on PC and details about ray-tracing support.”
That’s because she’s a stupid fucking bitch. Then again, she’s a republican voter.
Glue it back together and send it back down. 350,000k a head since now it’s A HAUNTED TITANIC TOUR.
I’d be down for her as LL, or any other role really. I’d just mainly be down for her.
I had a psychotic ex who struck me on more than one occasion. They also threatened female friends of mine with violence. They also stalked me at work and would contact my family members at random times of the day via masked cell phone numbers and voip services. They would also show up drunk to my house and attempt to…