
Fuck all russian orc scum.

Holy shit who cares

Kill yourself, pussy.

Get fucked asshole.

No he’s definitely more known for a character on a show that lasted only a few seasons and got cancelled multiple times, and not a show that is one of the most popular in the history of television, aired on major networks... and is still in syndication. You are a child.

South Park is actually funny. Family Guy is unusually cruel towards those they mock. 

Dude shut the fuck up.

Making fun of christians???!?!? NOT OKAY. Gays, women, trans, disabled, handicapped, mentally challenged, asians, black people, jews, muslims, fat people, the elderly, etc etc etc - all just fine though. Dude is a fucking pussy and a hypocrite - which makes sense that he would be on fox “news”.


Sounds like you fucking suck at maintaining your vehicle.

Stick to pizza.

Stick to pizza.

I read this as “white male cars”.

I get it, you’re the kind of guy to pay someone $200 to change their oil. 

A bullet for every pig.

Maybe what the bootlicker is saying is that the cop should have just been taken outback and shot instead of wasting taxpayer money over a “trial”?

You’re right. The pig should have been dragged into the street and fucking shot.

Ah I see you don’t like getting your hands dirty for what sounds like half a day of light maintenance. 

The interior is trashed?

God the “car guys” on this “car page” are huge pussies. This car is in pretty good shape, and it costs half this price to get one of these into the US.