So it’s obvious you either can’t read, or don’t know what a millennial is.
So it’s obvious you either can’t read, or don’t know what a millennial is.
Still got ‘em, most likely.
I remember seeing this in school around 8th grade. All I remember is some nipple, and I don’t recall it being a big deal to literally anyone in the class. We all had nipples at the time.
Good, I’m glad a fucking (PREMEDITATED) murderer is fucking dead. I’d rather my tax dollars go to homeless shelters, schools, healthcare... and not keeping someone who stalked and stabbed an ex girlfriend to death fed for the next 50 years.
That. Literally just that. When you don’t follow that one golden rule, well... there used to be plenty of liveleak videos of what happens.
It’s almost as if Tesla is just scam after scam, propped up and touted by a known scammer/liar/bigot/billionaire neo fascist moron.
Then you sound like a fucking moron.
Lol kids these days.
No shit sherlock.
Wow. Old news.
“I don’t give a fuck what the fuck I said. I don’t care if I said, ’Eat my pussy right now. [I was] 10 years old. Why would you ever think that [I was flirting]?”
There is something seriously wrong with your mother. Was she molested, and projecting that onto you/your friends?
It’s almost as if capitalism is a disease.
You literally quote a very obvious joke review.
Who the fuck cares?
You sound like a dumbass.
Some fuckwit asshole from a shit company leaves to a join a shittier company with more blatant scams rooted in racist dog whistle bullshit by its creators.
The best part of this game is camping the few extraction points on the map and ruining the game for everyone else. Bonus points for when it’s the LAST extraction point on the map.
Sounds like dumb bullshit from someone who both doesn’t play games AND is contractually obligated to publicly suck Naughty Dog’s dick.