It’s odd that you think you’re doing any unravelling - but yes, the fact that you are very clearly trying to get a rise out of people is trolling, 100%.
It’s odd that you think you’re doing any unravelling - but yes, the fact that you are very clearly trying to get a rise out of people is trolling, 100%.
I can feel the heat coming off this fucking intersection//smell the bum piss and cop sweat.
I’m angry? You’re just a sad, sad fucking troll - talking about being“well adjusted”. Seems like my guess on the kind of person you are was pretty spot on. You’re obviously white. Most likely a father. My money is leaning toward *divorced*.
Gravino, Sac Venom, Larval Core... or just harvest asteroid belts. Takes easily 5-10 minutes to generate a million credits.
We actually were never talking about the article - but I understand that people in your condition have a hard time comprehending simple concepts.
Lootbox/microtransaction defenders claiming people against them are the REAL sheep. Multimillionaire gaming company CEOs thank you for your services.
This guy still plays F76 - he kind of deserved it.
And you sound like a pathetic, lonely, loser. I don’t think you’re some young incel though, you sound like a middle aged guy - maybe a parent - that has never grown into a non-waste of space. That’s actually much much sadder. You must really fucking hate yourself.
The fuck are you talking about? Are you flat out retarded or what? I didnt say shit about the article - I called out a dipshit defending bigotry in his pussy ass round about way. You’re probably the same fucking loser, commenting on his own shit. Get fucked and die, bitch.
Fuck epic, and fuck epic apologists. You people are the reason every fucking game has microtransactions now.
You copy pasted the exact same thing to multiple people... but are calling me “unhinged”? Get the fuck out of here you fucking dipshit. You’re just as pathetic as the poster. Probably a fucking MRA moron.
You act as if never having created a video game means you dont get to critique the medium, and that is fucking stupid.
Lol, shut the fuck up you god damn white pride apologist.
I think it would have been more than acceptable to bomb these cars and factories in the 1940s. Now, however, the survivors are history. Removing the swazis and keeping the cars... is fine. As long as Audi, VW and Porche aren’t pretending they were the enemy at one point in time. The second they spin some false…
Are you... calling the pieces of shit bigots the “victims”? Spoken like a true incel. Fucking classic.
So, you’re worried about your day job because at night, you’re a bigoted transphobic, homophobic racist?
I wouldn’t call it ridiculous, seeing as Iron Maiden has a video game out right now that they %100 didn’t want associated with these clowns - and it turns out, that was a smart way to go.
You think that, because you’re an idiot.
Every SINGLE fucking republican is complicit in the death of America.
I fucking hope not. What kind of chud wants multiplayer in their RPG?