
I mean... they aren’t really progressives at that point... like, at all.

Should have been rat poison.

They’re waiting for the next console generation to do a “not sequel” sequel, which is basically just the graphical upgrade mentioned in 2017. 

I feel like a proper article would have given details and specifics about this games legal troubles and what it means for the switch release - and/or - any details about how the multiplayer works on switch. You know, since there’s no real voice or text chat like other platforms. Or... just *any* details. But I guess

The juvies weren’t killed by Jason.

You guys have cops rolling around in supercharged pursuit cars. But I understand - all the roving bike gangs (on late 70's KZ 1000s) are definitely a problem.

Almost done. Just a few more million dollars...

Are you a moron? What do you THINK the benefit is?

reading comprehension skills.

God DAMN white people are terrible. Betty’s ok though.

I hope she gets curb stomped.

This is awful. Friends was such a bad fucking show... 

Randy Pitchford is a cunt and deserves to get the shit kicked out of him, daily.

If he didn’t sign a fucking NDA, and it isn’t government secrets - He’s free to do whatever the fuck he wants with info that is LEAKED TO HIM FROM INSIDE THE COMPANY.

As much as I dislike KORN - I heard their new song on a shuffled playlist of new music on spotify and had to do a double take to make sure it was really them. It atleast sounds different from everything else I’ve heard of theirs, and is a step in the right direction (that probably should have happened 20 years ago).

Man this band fucking blows... and this song is really, really boring.

Lol, did epic pay for this too?

Duke Nukem 3D has not aged well whichever way you look at it”

On Falling Down:

Yeah, but that’d be wrong... like telling people you use a “griddle” to make “authentic” tortillas.