
Why the fuck are we pretending she is a person who shouldn’t be shunned and/or mocked for her bullshit woowoo snake oil peddling and outright bonkers fucking viewpoints on, well... everything. She’s complete trash.


I’m a sensitive fragile flower because you’re a fucking dumb shit asshole who spouts ignorant bullshit on the internet? Literally all I’ve seen you do on here is act like some petulant 15 year old bratty asshole. I’m willing to bet good fucking money that you’re just some sad, pathetic cunt with too much time on his

Bethesda = shit.

That new trailer consisted of:

You didnt read this carefully, did you?

You sound like a fucking asshole.

Hold on, I don’t know who this person is.

I’m furiously masturbating with a belt around my neck in anticipation.

Ohhhhh splinter is garbage. I see.

But... that photo didn’t actually show what you’re claiming it did. This is a blatant lie.

So this is just a tabloid now, basically?

This isn’t “someone out of the woodwork”. It’s a major company that is featured in 8 games, toys and advertisements that Activision approved - but never sought use over from the owner. Your crying over “what if I don’t get to use real guns!?!?” only shows you further do not know what you are talking about. I don’t

Any time I have ever gone to a Maiden show with a person who hasn’t seen them, they’re always blown away - especially when I point out that Bruce is ALWAYS like that. Pretty sure it makes them want to join a gym.

You sound like you not only don’t know what you’re talking about - but also that you must listen to absolutely shit music. Iron Maiden is easily one of the best bands of all time, and if you would do an ounce of homework (its ok, luke didnt either), you’d know that they have a diablo-like mobile game that’s been out

The “ageing” descriptor is pretty tasteless. I can %100 guarantee Bruce Dickinson can out perform you at almost any task any day of the week. That being said, as someone who works for a website with gaming news... who wrote an article about gaming news - it strikes me as bizarre that you don’t mention how Iron Maiden

I don’t know. I had a girlfriend that really enjoyed playing with my testicles and commenting on their weight. She was... weird, though.

This is sadlarious. 

Are y'all seriously peddling round up products now?

Are y'all seriously peddling round up products now?

Two examples of fast food places paying decent enough to make the employees care means “the religious right” are good people? Or just treat their employees well? Because neither is factually accurate. The Dairy Queen down the street pays 14 an hour and is clean, has nice employees and isn’t controlled by religious