
right? its like "oh fred i got this great idea for a new speaker, WE JUST PUT A TON OF SPEAKERS INTO A BOX LIKE 28! and then since it will be ridiculous looking already, we put like an animal head on it... and it will fuck with you and not let you listen to your product at full volume for more than 5 minutes at a

at first, i was confused by 28 speakers carrying 125 watts followed by 8000.... went to source and read it is 1600, what a typo gizmodo.... BUT i hate that the monkey head pops when you listen to it to loud, don't tell me when my music is to loud, what if i have a party, or I am at a safe distance away, or i want to

At 40 watts of what I assume is Peak, I'm almost positive that a 2.5" speaker and 1.25" tweeter can produce anywhere near the low end to make this sound good enough to be close to 300$, i'd pay MAYBE 100$ for this and even then, without any low end i'd still question why I am buying it.

i loled.

i got 4.3 on my sprint one, so, chalk that up to verizon loading all their shitty apps onto the os buddy.

this is true, but when you tell people they can have exactly the phone they want, they will bite, say the young teenage girl, texts a ton and obviously takes a million photos, set it up with 2 nice cameras, a big sd card and a huge battery to take all the abuse of texting and taking photos. guy in an office needs

happy to be sitting at 2.99/gal right now in NJ where i live :D no offense but i would take this machine over the indians who are rude and talk on their phones and blast foreign music all day pumping gas ANY day. the price would go down even more since we aren't paying them to be rude.

Alright, can one guy from new jersey ask that we give the benefit of the doubt that all people involved here were from NY as it is THEIR shitty team? gah. also noted that guys punches like a bitch.

how does china NOT have tentacle porn?

how does china NOT have tentacle porn?

yea the only bad part of battery backups is the size needed to actually keep a system running for 3-4 hours is massive (i work at a factory as IT and i have a battery that will do the job for my servers, but it is also some 6kw battery that takes up 10U on a rack. generators are better for staying on a long time,

the battery backups they would need would cost about 800$ per PC they use as they are graphic intensive pcs, they would be better off having a generator, but i guess they figured we have never had a power outage in how many years now, so i'm assuming the thought never crossed their minds. i'm sure they will have one

well seeing as the windows bsod was to report software, and hardware errors that you could look up to correct the issue yourself, it is kind of hard for microsoft to fix that... this is just legit blue, no context, no nothing. so, one would HOPE apple would fix completely random crashes that don't give you any

i love you. hahahahaha

and this can't be done with microusb because!? wtf.

she got a BILL for that much.



i loved the idea, but hated the execution, i switched to home screen. i have been researching the one before i bought and didn't even know it had the ir blaster until i clicked the tv button.